Saturday, August 7, 2021

TWGB: Chinese Thermometers and Italian Satellites.


There is something about TrumpWorld Grab-Bags that starts feeling like an old comfy shoe over time: the mediocrity. Hannah Arendt referred to the banality of evil, and yep. It doesn't fucking startle anyone with its brilliance or beggar the imagination with strategy and insight surpassing the norm. It's just grubby little ambitious motherfuckers going about what they consider their business even if it usurps the rights, comfort, or lives of  millions because they found themselves in the position to do it. It's chastening about the human condition but I drink and write bad poetry so I can handle that. 

So take your Trump Administration attorney, Jeffrey Clark, who had numerous letters in his quiver to different states but most particularly Georgia, who had a theory that that the election was flipped by hackers accessing a thermostat hooked up to the World Wide Web of stuff that shouldn't be hooked up to the internet, and that somehow got them access to the actual voting machines, a thing that is not possible for reasons that are numerous, obvious, and which Clark, upon being informed of them, did not believe because it didn't match his worldview. Which was informed by loyalty to Trump in the assumption this lead to rewards for favors rendered, I pretty much assume. 

I'm not sure myself how much of a pay rise it would take to make me cool with defending rapeor subverting US democracy. But Clark gives us a flavor of how it might just be for some folks. (I will say, there are people on social media fine with doing this for free and they are also in my humble opinion very bad, but lacking in the capitalist spirit.) 

Anywho, this plus a timeline of Mark Meadows' very dodgy activity paint a picture of how much the attempted coup was an inside job. They were meaning to, after the words of the Multi-collared LeninBuddha, Steve Bannon, "flood the zone with shit". Like hackers, just put pressure on the electoral system at every point, whether from the White House, or from multiple lawsuits like those filed by Sidney Powell and Lin Wood. Or actual, street-level harassment escalating to domestic terrorism, like the mobs who turned up at vote counting places, state capitols, and eventually the US Capitol on 1/6.  They expected more people to break under the avalanche of bullshit. 

And of course, the congressional certification itself, and it remains disgraceful that the so-called "Republicans" were the poorest defenders of the Republic when orange-crusted Caesar's plot to take over the US crossed the Rubicon of our democratic norms and violated the terms of peaceful transfer of power after a valid and lawful election. For reasons so absolutely fucked-in-the-head as Chinese thermometers, or Italian satellites

But the thing I'm keeping in mind is they are batshit and mediocre. We need to keep that in mind to rise above how stupid the present seems. People this godawful fucking pathetic need to be reminded they are clowns at every interval. to either slap them out of their clownery, or banish them from the places that we should consider sacred and clown-free. (I think Mike Lindell needs some kind of banishing ritual, because this is caco-demonic level bullshit, and I think what had happened was: this man paid for people to lie to him, and they lied so hard and he paid so much, he believes them because by now, his simple dumb ass just does,) 

Chinese fucking thermometers and Italian satellites.  And somehow, poor and minority voters who might not have proper ID is the real threat around here? I very seriously beg to differ. Mount up--check your local voter registration website to see if you still count and make sure you are duly registered if not. And we get this delusionary grifter party as minimalized as we absolutely can, because this type of mediocre bullshit should not stand. 

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