Sunday, January 9, 2022

Shofar? So not good.


When I see professed Christians don a tallit and blow a shofar, I steel myself for what comes next, because I know we are looking at a Zionist of convenience, a person who is mucking about in a form of  philosemistism in order to establish Mosaic covenant origins for supersessionist ends. In other words, these are cultural tourists trying to co-opt Judaism to authenticate their own religious and generally political designs. And some of those spiritual warfare travelers are also kind of racist, so, that's totally a worrying thing. 

So when I see this goober in a tallit and prefaced by a shofar. as was blown by several silly posing asses before the melee on January 6th last year, I obviously first remind myself that this was one of those silly asses there, then. And traitor Mike Flynn supports him, so, there's that. 

Flynn compared insurrectionists to Jesus Christ, saying Jesus at 13 years old went into “the temple and ransacked it. He would be called a domestic terrorist today.”

Jesus went into the temple and spoke with the rabbis and asked questions at thirteen. He would be called a Bar Mitzvah today.  What does Flynn know about Near-Eastern Judaism in the 1st century? What do any of us? He's a propagandist using religion to divide people and he forgets that "ransacking" isn't what Jesus did at 13, but older, when he turned the moneylenders out of the Temple--that was throwing out the grifters who preyed on religion--like Flynn has been doing, thankyouverymuch. I'm Catholic-adjacent enough to know the Bible isn't primary text for some Catholics, but give me a break, Mikey, that was easy catechism. 

But the thing with Jericho Marchers is the idea of total spiritual warfare, and they don't mean just slaying demons in some figurative sense. As Qanon consciousness pervades the fringes, it starts to take on a decidedly bloody interpretation: Dash the babies' heads against the rocks and leave not a brick standing upon a brick. They want an ecstasy of blood to usher in a new age. Using the same libels used against Jews.  For now, "spiritually"--supposedly figuratively and not literally. But using this kind of metaphor, when will they in fact? 

I don't want to know, and when I see this symbolism and this signifying, I know it needs to be rejected. This is a kook, not a religious man. Else he is an opportunist, playing the kook to get ahead on a spiritual bubble he hopes will happen. Either way, he is too wrong for any office at all--he has aims that are nothing to do with good government. He is looking at the end times. And positively at that. 

I'm not okay with this.


Ten Bears said...

They have taken it upon themselves to force God's hand, to force Jesus to float down out of the sky on a flying rainbow unicorn with thousands of "helpers" on flying rainbow unicorns to carry them all away to paradise. Ah'm Pentacostal-adjacent enough to know that that is "tempting God", and "taking the lord's name in vain."

I'm pretty sure there will be a bloodbath, after Jesus doesn't float down out of the sky on a flying rainbow unicorn with thousands of "helpers" on flying rainbow unicorns to carry them all away to paradise.

You're right, it's what they want ...

Dan Kleiner said...

what's REALLY infuriating, as an ACTUAL red-sea-pedestrian, is that the fucking fascist gop HATES jews. they fucking can't stand us. the "judeo-christian" framework isn't an ethos, it's an epithet. it's a fig leaf to cover up their depravity.

fuck those fucking motherfuckers. that asshole wants to act the jew, circumcise him NOW. no local. the prick.

Dan Kleiner said...

(also irrc, it's "talit" for the singular and "talisim" for the plural.)

Vixen Strangely said...

Thanks, Eddie, I corrected it and absolutely should have checked it before writing.

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