Saturday, December 18, 2021

Not Shockingly, Trump is Still a Bigot


The news that Trump gave an interview where, in a very short space, he managed to cover several extraordinarily anti-Semitic stereotypes shouldn't be surprising. Trump's entire being is basically being the posterchild for cultural insensitivity. His attitude is of disdain is, in part, contempt that American Jews didn't appreciate what he did for Israel. How much more could he do for those people?

I mean, besides not sympathize with the people who chanted "Jews will not replace us" because they are his people. Besides not trying to ban people from entering this country because they are religious minorities here, or demonizing immigrants? Besides not behaving in ways and saying things that are too familiar to people with any memory of history? 

I'm not going to pretend this would negatively affect Trump fans at this point, because culturally, his fans seem to be of more or less the same mind. Like the Qanon-related folks who listened while Mike Flynn suggested that America should be one nation under one God. Or the folks at Prager U--who seem very fond of Nazi commentary.  Or Turning Point USA

Recently, America First Congressman Paul Gosar suggested the Al Aqsa Mosque (like, 1300 years old) is an affront to all religions. Which is weird, since Islam is a religion. And also, should I call the Hagia Sophia an affront to all religions for having been Christian and Muslim, but possibly built over a temple to Artemis? 

He might be saying this because he is just stupid beyond belief, but the idea that the Temple Mount is a part of End Times theology is not unimportant. Because the theocrats who would make the best culture war soldiers wouldn't care about the here and now, they would rather perform for the big finale. The final war, the last fandango, the immanentization of the eschaton, and whatnot. 

Look, I'm not trying to be glib; far from it. But there's a throughline from Trump's Archie Bunker kind of suburban prejudice, as Allen Ginsburg related Ezra Pound's antisemitic reverie, to the fascist would-be renaissance. It only requires a dressing-up of the naked truth about the origin and prevalence of the lies and conspiracy theories used so often--the blood libels and warnings about minorities with great supposed power to actual bloodshed, which we have already seen

This grubby game of stereotyping and blaming people for political reasons is a horror. This man must never creep near political relevance again. 


Ten Bears said...

Repetition of The Lie depends on others repeating it. I'm not surprised these words came out of this animal's mouth, I am surprised at how the media (ok, maybe not) and the A-listers are affording it credibility. Posting even the cover of the Protocols, fergoodnesssakes, we used to have unspoken rules, old internet traditions, for that sort of thing. It should be dismissed out of hand from every z-list blog that gets less traffic than I do to Rachel freaking Maddow and the BBC as the ravings of a crank, and ignored.

It is important to differentiate twixt Judism and the Zionist. The Jews are actually pretty cool, and not the ones that killed off most of my ancestors (that would be the catholics, and the christians). Zionists just want to start a world ending war that destroys Israel and all the Jews so's their precious lord and master will float down out of the sky on thirteen tiny magic dust enhanced rainbow reindeer and carry them all away to paradise.

There is a Deep State, and they're laughing asses off ...

Vixen Strangely said...

Christian (and it helps to highlight *white*) evangelical Zionists have struck me for a while as being behind a lot of the worst US foreign policy: pulling out of the JCPOA, the Bush Administration setting up "forever wars" in Iraq and Afghanistan. They hope there will be a bloody, New Era-starting conflagration, but also, they are pretty sure the bloody and flaming parts should mostly happen to other people.

The First Longest Day

Some people will look at the above video and assume that the Ketamine Cowboy was just feeling very patriotic regarding the installation of h...