Monday, January 13, 2025

What Do MAGA have Against Sign Language?


I see Chris Rufo has also decided he needs to be mad about sign language interpreters, too.  Deaf people deserve to have access to information in a way that is immediate and relatable to them. It actually doesn't distract anyone--mostly. If you are distracted, maybe this is a cognitive problem about YOURSELF you need to get addressed. 

But as a person who finds aural processing a little more difficult in my older years who uses CC for tv--it sucks and is not reliable. I can hear, but I am aware it is not always adequate for people who can't. Also, CC is absolutely not great at all for someone who might be deaf or hard of hearing and also has an issue with reading facility, like dyslexia. 

Sign language is far more accessible and relatable for some people, and why not? So where's the problem?

I'm a history person, so to me, when I see people denigrate accessibility for disabled people, I think maybe this means a culture that will denigrate actual disabled people and their lives, as well. Like my arthritic dad or my mom with glaucoma and macular degeneration. 

When people are culturally throwing out options for disabled people to access information or participation in society, or especially in democracy, I see them as thinking of certain people as disposable. 

My family is not disposable. Not my immediate family, and not my extended family which includes deaf and non-verbal or reading disordered people.  People who want to make an issue of accessibility demonstrate a sociopathy towards vulnerable people. There is something very wrong, there. 

This is not an "issue" sane people would wrap themselves up in.  


Anonymous said...

Why does MAGA pick on the deaf ? Why does MAGA pick on any numerically small group? B/c they're weak and can't fight back, and that's how you activate your Base: by beating on the helpless, by giving your Base bloody carcasses.

Richard said...

Oh I can tell you what MAGA has against sign language. They don't speak it.

Ten Bears said...

You know that gang sign they make: right hand middle finger pumping a lefthand circle and three fingers? Yeah, means "fucking asshole". First sign my deaf wife taught me

Ali Redford said...

Shame on them. (I know, but still.) Sign language has been in use for generations, for pete's sake. It's almost as if the right-wing is trying to be as stupid as possible. And I'm sure they're not there yet. But, what Mrs. Ten Bears says.

Dan Kleiner said...

iirc, the nazis went after the disabled first.

Ali Redford said...

I have never forgotten this:

Ashes, Ashes

  There's a Tweet going around about the above two that one knows he's going to hell and the other doesn't, but that isn't i...