Tuesday, January 14, 2025

The Cruelty is *Almost* the Point


There's some good conversation in the comments in the last post regarding MAGA attacks on sign language interpreters--it's about punching down and divisiveness. I recall during the pandemic, the Trump administration pit blue states vs red states for access to resources.  Also, some conservatives fairly openly wanted to sacrifice elderly and disabled people for the sake of the economy (even though that would have been a box of horrors--and we have alternative ways of thinking). We should by now understand the America First problem.

In TrumpWorld, there are only things that serve Trump's (MAGA) needs. If there is a crisis, people just have to figure out how to serve Trump's needs with it. Maybe that means "punishing" a blue state in the hopes the fed-up citizens will just elect Republicans next time around. If Medicare and Medicaid and Social Security have to get cut for Trump's budget to make sense--so be it. 

Who thinks they deserve their promised benefits, anyway? (They have deluded some folks into thinking it's all a Ponzi scheme.)

The needs of some people can 't get in the way of the bigger mythology. So Speaker of the House Mike Johnson, from Louisiana, of all FEMA-funding beneficiary states, says of course, there must be strings attached to funding aid for California.. Pointless strings that have nothing to do with why the fires happened but place the blame on a Democratic Governor and other "blue" politicians. 

It was hard not to view the potential for high mortality as a cull during COVID--if not deliberately so-a kind of "Let it happen on purpose" attitude. (I'm sure I only blogged about the Aktion T4 program once.) The people left afterwards would be more understanding of the requirements of citizenship. The same idea pertains here: See what happens to others in a calamity? See what you can do you ensure you STAY fortunate. 

The method is cruelty. The purpose is bleeding humanity out of people, keeping them divided, and making them try to appease a capricious, mean arbiter of the states' resources. Trump accused Biden of doing in NC over a hurricane what he most certainly did not, and what Trump would and did do all the time. 

The cruelty is one of the means, and a potential source of entertainment for people who are into that sort of thing. The point is obedience. 


Dan Kleiner said...

the stupidity is baffling. their marks are dumb. i get that. but the SPOKESPEOPLE and “thought” leaders are dumb. they’re going on about timber clearing snd forestry maintenance of an URBAN, non-forest fire. and people are just taking that and running with it!

Ten Bears said...

I'm still dumbfounded by their inability to look at a map and see how it is physically impossible to divert water from Northern California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana or Canada to Los Angeles

Vixen Strangely said...

A few people on Twitter said something that is too stupid to *not* be true: just like Trump hears "political asylum" and thinks about mental asylums, Trump can't read a map. North is "up" and South is "down" when you look at a map--so in Trump's mind, all this water has to flow downhill, right? ::bangs head until screaming stops::

Dan Kleiner said...

forget it vixen, it's chinatown.

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