Wednesday, December 18, 2024



You know, while the quality of mercy is not strained with respects to highly performative Republican arsehats, the benefit of the doubt has been badly overdrawn, and when former PA gubernatorial candidate Doug Mastriano posts something like the above, well, I presume "cultural illiteracy" as well as several other kinds. The kneejerk, Pavlovian tendency to seize any passing whaaambulance in their jaws is something MAGA's will simply have to see to on their own. 

While many no doubt assume their audience is stupid, I'm pretty sure.... well, you KNOW.

But with respects to the headline-writer at The New Republic--is it the "worst"?

There is--another. Nancy Mace speculates they could be from something "outside our universe." 

It's couched in an almost normal national security blather, but it's fear-mongering. Just basic, wild-ass speculating. Maybe we're losing the arms race. Maybe it's something NUCLEAR! INTERDIMENSIONAL BEINGS! YOU DON'T KNOW!

Ooga, but if not, certainly booga!



Ali Redford said...

Holy cow.
I wonder how they'd like it if Homeland Security and the White House went full-on emergency, declared martial law, and set in place emergency procedures for the foreseeable future, including grounding domestic drones not used by US military for US purposes, and putting off changeovers in the WH and legislature until the "crisis" is over.

I know he's not going to do it, we'd hate it if he did, and would be sending off letters and calls about it. But seriously, I don't know what magas are asking for when they talk like they are about this. FFS.

Ten Bears said...

Can't/won't speak to it too much, it's personal, but I can speak from personal experience the people that hangout with him are just as stupid. Sadly personal

Right about now I would welcome Biden disbanning Congress as obstructionist and sending the Senate home for re-election, a declare of Martial Law and a Mulligan ... a do over. Do the election again, without the monkey media stacking the deck and without Muskmedia ~ fuck Zuck ~ and the Russian NAZIs

If that's what the ((( Drones Over New Jersey ))) are all about hand me a controller ...

Ali Redford said...
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Ali Redford said...


Ashes, Ashes

  There's a Tweet going around about the above two that one knows he's going to hell and the other doesn't, but that isn't i...