Tuesday, December 17, 2024

The Touch, the Feel of Cotton


I'm sure this guy has a family and all that, but so you know, the term you see online regarding explosions: Bavovna!  has to do with cotton, and this is really interesting to me at the moment. 

So anyway, I was thinking when I first started seeing "Bavovna!" that it was like some onomatopoeia thing. The sound of an explosion. We say "BOOM!" So why not? "Ba-VOV-na!" ka-BOOM! 

It means "cotton".  Little puffy cloud. RU colonizing language and people--you'll see.

Anyway, Ukraine gave some Bavovna fuel to Syria. Even RU says so.  (Sell our weapons to end Assad--I am not even MAD!)  And RU has to withdraw when they were having such an influence in Africa:

They thought they had some imperialism going. 

 This is right up there with the Norks being hungry and unprepared. Weird since Ukraine says it can feed Syria if Russia won't but RU supporting troops aren't supported there, either. Ukraine is good land and that's why RU wants the good people off of it. Syria has good people and that's why Assad supported by RU killed them in job lots--they wanted freedom. But who profits from that? 

And I wish a good goddamn bavovna to all the RU oppressors. Reap what the hell you sowed.

And just for fun, what do we make of Assad saying he just wanted a ride from Latakia to Damascus and somehow, he ended up in Moscow?  It's not like he planned it--just don't follow the money, amirite? Shit, dude. Saying nothing would be more valorous than that. 

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