Sunday, December 15, 2024

A Reckless TrumpWorld Round-Up


I'm trying to take a moment of Christmas clarity to see the good in the world around me, and while I've never been a Suzy Silverlinings, I did notice the SEC seems to have decided to pay attention to some of Elon Musk's financial shenanigans regarding the purchase of Twitter. Basically, everyone who was wide awake in 2016 saw that social media was a powerful tool in shaping world events, and Elon bought in. Comms for his worldview is an expense in general, but he gets back what he's lost financially in DOGE and influence. 

It's a neat thing, using money to buy influence to get more influence to get more money. Here's a David Bowie song:

In other news, the FBI didn't have any agents at the 1/6 Capitol insurrections, even though there were a couple dozen occasional informants. People like JD Vance, who is a pathological liar, and Musk, who lies for PROFIT$ used Twitter to try and pretend this report said the opposite thing to what it said. So to clarify about the FBI agent to informant thing--it's kind of like the Russian agent to asset thing, OK?  Like an agent of the FBI was trained at Quantico and has a paid job working for the US government to investigate criminal threats to the nation and an informant is just some person who hangs out wherever things that are a criminal threat to the nation is happening.

And a Russian agent is FSB or GRU trained and is actively working for Russia against presumed hostile nations as their job, while an asset might be a wholly unwitting dupe who is merely friendly or susceptible to RU propaganda and therefore acts in their interest. See? 

Which brings me to Sasha Smirnov, who was a very bad boy and lied for Russia to smear the Bidens and admitted as much in his plea deal

The Biden Crime Family thing was a hoax. Republicans in congress ate that shit up with a spoon. It should have looked like an op from a mile away. But they wanted to focus on how the fifty and whatever former intelligence people tried to say the laptop was a lie. And it is still janky as hell. But it never lead to anything to anything other than Hunter Biden was using and getting busy. Which is a him problem, not a national security problem, like the GOP being cool with gargling RU propaganda and supporting the presidential candidate they picked for us. 

See how that might be a national security problem? 

Ah well. I guess my conclusions aren't necessarily heartwarming. 

In conclusion I have a tip--the sudden attention to "drone activity" or rather: UAPs, is conditioning from all the alien shows on cable and Netflix combined with a sudden synchronicity. People are paying attention to the sky because they have been told to, so now they are seeing lights and whatnot that might have always been there.  Most of them are a thing called "airplanes". They look like drones only larger close up, but they look like drones for real (tiny!) when they are very high up and farther away.

Sometimes a con artist does magic tricks to draw your attention away from the con, but it's not magic, and there is still a con going on.

I hope this helps. 

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For All They Care

  You know, there was a little part of me that thought I'd write a little bit about the Jack Smith 1/6 report , but honestly--no. People...