Saturday, September 14, 2024

Trump is Going to Take the Money and Run to Venezuela


I guess I know what probably happened here. Trump was going to use the "Venezuelan gangs took over Aurora, Colorado" thing but then his brain got hijacked into the Haitian story.  Which being all about Ohio is obviously a JD Vance joint. But because his few braincells are just playing a massively information-losing game of "Telephone" amongst themselves, he forgot why deporting people to Venezuela wouldn't be correct. 

Trump has been referencing Venezuela a lot though. Maybe he thinks he wants to do like Matilda in the old Calypso song. He takes the money and runs to Venezuela. He surely thinks Caracas is nicer than Washington DC. He wants to meet with his friends there. I guess they don't have extradition to the US. Maybe he has his mind set in the Carribean for some reason. Not everywhere has the Pacific Ocean, but the Carribean is quite nice. 

But here's why I am staying with this lie of Trump's and especially JD Vance's--kids are staying home from school because assholes are now threatening where the babies are learning. 

Over a lie about maybe cats getting eaten, which was wrong and the person who carried it feels bad. Over a mislabeled idea that some man carrying a goose was doing anything inappropriate, which he was not

This is how easy it is now to get people to create a crisis where there wasn't one. So--maybe families needed to have more vaccinations and schooling for their kids which is a municipal issue--and their parents are paying taxes--so? They will repay. These people are going to grocery stores and needing their vehicles serviced and all--this is called a city coming back, because this is what job-creation is about--customers. That's not a crisis, RW idiots--that's a business opportunity. The city of Springfield was dying. The rents and housing costs were low because people were leaving for elsewhere. They invited immigrants and it was actually--

Good. And that fucks up the entire Trump raison d'etre. Here's JD Vance, not even knowing what end is up here in these United States:

Who if not us, boo? What country is beating us? And how did we ALWAYS do it? The workers come here because we make the work. They come and do the work and make more work. They fuel the demand for goods and services that make more work necessary.  The fucking economics of this is lost on both simmering intellects JD Vance and DJ Trump. So they at their core need to lie to try and make their worldview stick--ON LIES. Racist lies that are going to get someone hurt. 

I swear, they seem deadset on getting anyone hurt and blaming it on someone other than themselves, the ones who are fueling this thing. Just like they lie and make an accident into an on-purpose regarding the loss of life of a little boy, deeply hurting his family by making them relive this thing in a way that hurts their memories. 

When are they going to stop? See, I have the time, I will make the time. I see in real time how this simmered up from neo-Nazis to RW "influencers" (some of whom got dirty Kremlin money) and then all the way up to the Presidential ticket and people will be hurt because of this opportunistic demagoguery. And these two wealthy asshats don't care who can get hurt by this set of horrible lies if it boosts the failing campaign of a shit for brains white supremacist Putin-fellator paired up with a younger white supremacist shit for brains Putin-fellator. 

When these fucks run to the rock he will not hide them. Not the river nor the sea. Not on that day. And they aren't going to get to Caracas. The day after these terrible people lose, I hope every goddamn airport close if they run to it. Because by my reckoning, they have already gone way too far. They want some degree of blood on their hands and think about trying to blame someone else for it. 


Richard said...

Venezuela won't have him. They have too many problems, Donald Trump is the last thing they need. Hungary under Viktor Orban already has one of these guys, so no. Argentina, maybe? Nobody is going to take this monster off of us, we are going to have to do it.

Ten Bears said...

I wonder how much of that Venezuela fascination is his brain-cells playing telephone with old stories about the NAZIs escaping Yurp at the end of WWII to ... Venezuela, where they lived out their lives in relative comfort

Vixen Strangely said...

Yeah--Argentina or Venezuela, just like his heroes. And I agree, Richard, they aren't going to want the trouble of taking him. I've myself have wondered how long Putin would have *him* sitting at Sheremetyevo Airport. The idea of Trump fleeing to another country for freedom after all the trash he says about immigrants tickles me. We sincerely wouldn't be sending our best.

Anonymous said...

Trump has always escaped the consequences of his misdeeds and I'm pretty sure he's confident he always will. Even when he looses the election he's counting on the combination of right wing media, violence, and the Supremes to bail him out. . . which is not an unreasonable expectation these days.

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