Friday, September 6, 2024

This Tenet Thing--


Since 2016, I've felt sort of hyperaware about the potentiality of Russian disinfo because obviously, WikiLeaks and the IRA. Per the Senate Intelligence Committee, in multiple volumes, this was anything but a hoax. The claim Trump didn't welcome it and appreciate it is more than answered by his campaign's silence about it and even attempted cover-up. Money was funneled through Facebook and Twitter ads and RW-pressure groups like NRA. I joke that we are still living in 2016 because we are still finding out how that election was, well, weird. 

I deleted a post about how weird it was that Benny Johnson was a dupe to launder Russian talking points in the Tenet exploit because I realized that his basic dopiness and right-wing credulity is a whole fucking bigger mood than I was handling at the moment. We get that RW dopey incendiaries are out here--and they are pretty well-funded domestically as it is. Like, you pick a random concern-trolling "Liberty" "Freedom" "Heritage" or "Family"-labelled group from the last 100 years, and it was probably founded by some freaky Christian billionaire bigot family like the DeVos, Wilkes, Prince, Mellon, Coors, Koch, Busch, etc. The family-tree of theocratic and Bircher-light think tankitude has been incestuous and generously endowed since forever. 

But where there is money and batshit, you have a real problem--people who love the hell out of money and don't care what degree of batshit they spew. If you wanted useful idiots for foreign actors, this is one way you could open up a path for useful idiots to wrongfully mobilize people by playing on their fears and so on. Propaganda is cheap and effective. Even when we try to sanction the fuck out of the players to try and make it prohibitively costly to shit in the US litterbox--someone will try it.

Part of the reason why is we have a great big permission-structure to lie on the GOP side of things. We talk about it, but I don't think we talk about it as much as we need to. The media is in part at fault, but also, money has generated a whole right-wing puke funnel, just feeding viewers like baby birds. And the results of the propaganda: fear and anger--short circuit logical critical thinking pathways. Well-fed ducklings become sitting ducks. 

The internet influencer thing though, is even more perverse. There's no reason to believe these people are anything but cons. I've thought of it as the "Triumph of the Swill", because it's propaganda without even artistry or competence. It relies on people being poorly educated or getting hopped-up on the idea that contrarianism is "independent thinking"--because you are a super genius of rare qualities, you can see through Big Atmosphere's lies since Joseph Priestly and reject climate change, or see where that shill Jenner was headed with his vaccination/germ theory nonsense. You have clearly beat the mentality of Darwin and Le Compte de Buffon regarding that evolution jazz, too. 

Conspiracy theories proliferate and why not? Anything might be true once anything can be called false. 

Why not DARVO Russia and Ukraine? Why not introduce a little Holocaust denial? Why not suggest civil wars are actually good and healthy, or that secession could be beneficial to a large US State?

Harmful, wrongheaded views can be pimped out to attractive or engaging morons, who speak down to controversy-curious people without the tools to resist. They'll even have you believing education itself is a problem and suggest you do away with it. 

I think it's good it's being addressed, but the right wing is super-great at trying to say their free speech right are denied whenever they get told to stop being shills for utter bullshit. I get the feeling the pool of people who have been Russian-cash injected and super-bullshit charged will widen. And yes to people maybe being made examples of, because the shit has to stop. 

But we clearly have a problem with toxic "elements" in our political environment. Some remediation feels like a good thing. Geting people to realize and care that one side has been enabling foreign propaganda to influence us and to recognize it as a national security threat is very important--that we haven't been screaming about it enough since 2016 feels like a failure. 

Also the Feds need to do Posobiec and Flynn. because I can't believe those asses aren't being handled from elsewhere. 


Grung_e_Gene said...

Republicans began 50 years ago (when Dirty Dick Nixon was forced out) a campaign to insure that could never happen again. Part of the reason they created their Alt-Right Media Complex was so they could bring on their experts to undermine expertise in general. At that point anyone's opinion is as valid as any old expert. This bore terrible fruit when anti-vaxx nuts convinced millions to go without because they were as credible as Dr. Fauci, leads to thousands of deaths which could have been prevented from Covid.

Vixen Strangely said...

I remember when Carlson. Hannity and Ingraham went from hydroxychloroquine to ivermectin every night during Covid wondering if they were in some kind of sick race to see who could get more of their viewers killed with bad information.

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