Sunday, September 22, 2024

RFK, Jr. is a Complete Shit Individual

 I had to see a bit more of RFK, Jr.'s Twitter after seeing this whole spiritual savior moralizing fuckshit:

So, I wonder if RFK, Jr. is in constant contact with God when he's pretending that he did not solicit and share nudes from a much younger reporter and does stuff like support Donald Trump when he's "critical" of the EPA because they...acted on Trump's say-so to play-down the harmful effects of various chemicals. 

Who did what to whom and when matters. I don't think the whole world of Olivia Nuzzi--she managed to go far, fast, because of her looks very probably and good for her, but you have to combine it with smarts.  And courting a "digital" romance with a subject in the name of access journalism isn't smart. Especially when she gave more than she got. 

So I'm not here to argue for her honor, but to note for posterity that in the wake of this revelation, that came about because the grotesque documenter of his many adulteries, who may have driven his first wife to death from shame, and then moved her corpse like an inconvenient bit of roadkill, is talking about the prayerful way he lives his life in constant humility and communication with God right now, but only days ago was boasting about getting these nudes and I don't even know who all he shared that knowledge with--

He's scuzz. He has no values, he just has a great opinion of himself and it is extraordinarily undeserved.

 People who confuse this man for his family's legacy are beyond deluded. Patriotism and religion are the famous last refuges of a scoundrel, and here he is, running with white nationalism and false piety. 

My MIL was supposed to know how to do the malocchio, but never showed me, I wish she had. I now other curses. I offer them digitally. You can imagine what fingers. 

1 comment:

Ten Bears said...

Blasphemy ~ Taking the Lord's Name in Vain, a top ten sin ...

Trump's Ukraine/Russia Delusions Do Not Go Unnoticed

  Ukraine: *exists* Ukrainians: literally just sleeping in their beds at 4 AM. Russia: invades, bombs,kills, destroys, rapes, lots, kidnaps...