Sunday, September 29, 2024

One Rough Hour, One Rough Beast


When someone shows you who they are the first time--believe them. This is Trump, ostensibly talking about crime. But what I think he means here is--what he calls "a crime". And that could be any damn thing. Making his hair look bad on television.  Saying he didn't win in 2020, or that Russia helped him in 2016. Crimes are crimes in the run-up to a dictatorship, and then things the dictator doesn't like are crimes. 

It's a "crime" that people believe him capable of crimes. It's a "crime" that his rallies aren't attended to his liking. They have a fix for that, in North Korea

I remember thinking that the Telegraph and other right-wing comms in advance of 1/6 reminded me of "The Turner Diaries"--specifically, the "Day of the Rope" part. Multiple posts from Trump-affiliated right-wingers were looking to do something to "antifa". And I don't think they were at all confused that "antifa" means "anti-fascist". This is why there was only Trump fans there.

Being anti-fascist was the problem. Anti-fascists got the message and watched them do their thing that day and we could all see it, unadulterated. And it looked bad and it was bad. Just a couple hours of very roughness. 

On social media, some people are likening this utterance to "The Purge" movies or to "Kristallnacht". They aren't wrong. It's about a display of localized violence to suppress resistance to an authoritarian movement that will curtail the freedom of all people eventually. Mass violence is not the solution to individualized episodes of crime--it's an act of war. 

Our crime stats aren't some newly horrific crying shame, nor are our undocumented immigration stats--not from my Gen X experience. Trump lies about invasions, ruined "villages", as if he's talking about Mongol hordes sweeping into Europe circa like, a very long time ago. It's hard to connect the hellscape he speaks of to the real world we live in. 

What he wants is to promise the violence that so many MAGA are inculcated to want. And give them a license to enact that violence if he needed them to. And they send death threats to businesses and election officials and court officials and all that because they get the assignment that their cult leader never has to spell out for them. 

Morality, critical thinking, ethics all be damned. 

See what he says? This is a rough beast, talking about a rough hour, his time coming round at last. And that time should be denied. Explained aloud where the sane people can hear, and rejected by them as the vicious unhelpful fuckery it is. 

We need to talk about the big monster in the room. Because this is him--growling. And others talk of culture war, and civil war. But don't get it twisted--it's trying to create this. 


Dan Kleiner said...

"you are not of the body!"

yah. it's red hour, rearing its savage, ugly head as the time comes nigh. lolol trek knew.

Vixen Strangely said...

Fiction explains things--the Purge franchise and the ages-old tradition of The Festival in the Star Trek episode are pointing to the obvious truth--there isn't "one day of violence". It would have to come again, because people would forget, otherwise. Instead of regular, messy, disputative, give and take fact-finding we have in a dreary democratic justice system, we would need endless "examples" of how violence can make people behaved, well-adjusted members of society because that is not a thing.

It's like the wild idea that an armed society is a polite society--hell no. The best-armed would simply have a license to be as rude as they liked. And a private arms race ensues.

Dan Kleiner said...

agreed- when the last of the veterans of the franco-prussian war died off, the clamoring for another war began by those who knew nothing of the horror. now that the last of the world war II veterans who could warn us are mostly gone, it looks like fascism is back for another dance.

stories have to be re-told or people forget. fibberache is SO close to it when he brags about getting the "most votes out of any sitting president" in 2020, he thinks it's about him because he's appallingly stupid, but he's not taking population growth or gerontological die-off into account.

tl:dr? no WAY "one day of violence" will cut it. he's gonna have to run his red hour over and over and over again...

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