Sunday, September 8, 2024

Little Jimmy and the Operation: A Trump Fable


The school nurse can't even give out aspirin*, and now kids are supposed to be getting "a brutal operation" in school? What "brutal operation"? Are they handing out appendectomies? Emergency tracheotomies? Is there a full surgical theater in your son's or daughter's school you need to worry about? (Are they more likely to be slapping on tourniquets in the case of an actual bloody emergency--all too probable.)

Long story short--Little Jimmy is not going to get his Liitler Jimmy whacked off while at school. Teachers are paying for glue sticks and dry erase markers out of pocket and supposedly school districts are doing bottom surgery on your precious wee manlet? You would think Trump of all people would be skeptical about the promise of free vaginas being handed out. And it's not escaping me that he is afraid for little Jimmy, not little Agatha getting a double mastectomy. 

This is not happening. This is on the "furry kids using a litter box at school" level of not happening. It's simply nucking futz. It's on the same level of not-happening as the supposed latest term-post-birth abortion. He's now said it more than once, and maybe that means it's going to be a part of stump speeches, now. And it speaks to other fears parents might have: their boys aren't transgender--but just a bit queer. Maybe they are autistic, artistic, kind, sensitive, don't do sports, respect women, aren't about to grow up and ride a Lingam-1500 male-insecurity wagon with truck nuts and a Trump flag to their he-man signifying maleness job. Maybe they just have to also compete with girls who are smart as fuck and might be better at them in things. 

Which are all bullshit. Be a real human and just love your fucking kids even if they aren't how you thought they would be. Don't hallucinate a world where you are powerless to parent--just be present. 

Trump is also still afraid of "The Steal":

In the real world, voter fraud doesn't happen in any significant way and illegal immigrants aren't voting in any significant way. In TrumpWorld, voter fraud (not voting for Trump) is a potential criminal sentence. I ask you--does that sound like Trump gives a shit about our constitutional republic? To me that sure as hell doesn't. 

But remember what the claims from 2020 were--German Servers, Italian satellites, Chinese thermostats, and Venezuelan voting machines programmed by the ghost of Hugo Chaves. Rudy Guiliani and Sidney Powell to save their own asses, told courts after the fact that they never had proof and were just laying out hypotheticals. These stories in hindsight are impossible to believe and a bit stupid. Why did anyone front them? 

When Trump loses, and I think he very well may and should, it will be because he is in part a shameful liar, which is a problem that gets more shameful and persistent with him whenever he feels like he's in the deep doodoo. Trump deals in bullshit so much it's really hard to say he actually knows truth from fiction. The things he claims to be true that simply are not, are capable of causing incredible damage, though. another thing for sane people to consider if they want a sane president. 

He is now about telling wild lies to activate the credulous among his followers to respond with violence because they fear their way of life is being threatened by---

Things that Trump is altogether making up. Lies. He is lying because he wants riots in the case of his not winning an election his lazy, crazy-talking ass is in no ways supposed to win. 

Let's see to it he doesn't win, and his demonstrative and performative lies serve as a warning to others to deal more in truth. 

* Nor should they. But here's a link to a PolitiFact fact check that considers a similar wild claim and obsesses over the aspirin part and not the schools facilitating abortion part. 


Misbah said...

News Makers 360 news updates 2024

Dan Kleiner said...

you know, i was all set to come here and mock the italians and their (non-existent) vote-altering satellites, but it turns out that the ASI is a relatively small-but-vigorous space agency that DOES, in fact, launch (their own) satellites and has been in the business since 1988.

The Shart of the Deal

  So, while Elon Musk was in Germany entirely not beating these allegations of being a Nazi, the far-right dipshit he supported here in th...