Monday, September 9, 2024

The Russia Campaign Reminds Me--


If you take a look at the topics above, you'll note among other things--misogyny.  This was a key part of the 2014 "Gamergate" dry run and a big part of the attacks on Hillary Clinton. It's why my ears perked up at the allegation that gamers were part of the Russian disinfo targeting for the 2024 election. (And minorities--that voter suppression technique that was used pretty well in 2016, both by Brad Parscale for Trump as he admitted and by the Internet Research Agency on "parallel tracks".) 

Flashforward to 2024, and we have Tucker Carlson, whose Putin interview and Moscow supermarket adulation were both deemed surprisingly cringey even to producers of Kremlim-inspired sludge, calling women in the US military: feces. 

You look at the record of US Senator Tammy Duckworth and you get back to me about that one, Bright Boy.  (And it's weirdly ironic also because one of his favorite people seems to be servicemember Tulsi Gabbard.) 

But of course, this man is also off promoting Holocaust denialists and Hitler apologists and so on--clearly being all up about the Pat Buchanan wing of the GOP that Trumpism is a big part of. (See also Ron and Rand Paul.) 

Anyway, when asked about the Russian infiltration of right wing media, Lil Marco Rubio and Life Support System for an Adam's apple Tom Cotton both swallowed their tongues and said they didn't see the problem with it. (Also, any retort that has to do with Hunter Biden's laptop is more of the same and not GOOD, ACTUALLY.  The media's willingness to take considered opinions and spin them and inability to independently verify or even correctly read. reported published statements is troubling.) 

But bringing up the laptop is "whataboutism". I don't know how journos haven't figured out the counter to this--"Why are you changing the subject?" Tom Cotton, is, to the best of my ability to discern, unfit  to stopper a pill bottle from rattling. He shouldn't be able to lie on Sunday chat shows every week and outsmart people who allegedly are the press for a living. And this story is complicated, you guys. We still have good reason to wonder where all this was coming from and what the intentionality was:

Again, for everyone: if Russia supports Trump for any reason, what does this say about Trump and whether he is fit to be president? (And don't cite Putin's recent trolling that he loves Kamala Harris and her laugh--this is obvious trolling.)  Of course, Alina Habba blows off the influence campaign--but why would US Senators who should know better?

Anyway--Russia, Russia, Russia was actually confirmed, not debunked, but Republicans have been going about acting like the call wasn't coming from inside the house. That means they aren't cleaning up their own house for some reason, and the reason that presents itself is horrible to contemplate. 

Which is why I am inviting you to sincerely contemplate the hell out of it. Because we have barely scratched the surface of who is being funded and supported by Russia to influence opinion and I think we have elected politicians who are just corrupt and or dumb enough to not mind. 

An HONEST person would. I truly believe an honest person would. 


Ten Bears said...

I want to know why "servicemember" Tulsi Gabbard hasn't been court's martialed for her anti-American seditions ...

Dan Kleiner said...

ten bears, judging by the arlington fiasco, it looks like the services are hedging their bets, afraid of what retribution might occur if derp furor "wins".

It's Especially NOT Funny Because It's True — Secular Talk ( (@KyleKulinski) March 17, 2025 MAGA doesn't care about this....