Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Trump Called RFK, Jr. and Talked About "Winning"


Here are the workings of a con--Trump is fluffing up RFK Jr. by discussing his pet bugbear--that vaccinations are dangerous (using the VERY debunked Wakefield canard), let's him know they are in it together, and that there is something in it for him.

Of course they are colluding--Republican donors are supporting measures to get third-party candidates on the ballot in hopes of diluting the Democratic vote.  They are hoping nostalgic Boomers or other people who think favorably of the Kennedy clan will miss the fact that NONE of the Kennedy's support RFK Jr. and he's actually both a kook and a heel (sex pest). And a grifter.

Trump doesn't mind offering a possible position to Kennedy--hell, he's a little something of a kook, a sex pest and a grifter himself. It's like a professional courtesy.

Tell everyone--a vote for third party is a vote for Trump. RFK Jr. running is a purposeful scam.

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