Monday, July 15, 2024

And We Never Mention 1/6 Again?


Donald Trump was shot at. I guess. Luckily, he only got a bloody ear out of it. One Trump fan died protecting his children. It's a terrible thing. A 20-year-old registered Republican with an AR-15 climbed up to a shed roof, was not stopped by local law enforcement, and fired in the direction of the stage.

That's very certainly a terrible thing. We have a problem with gun violence in this country. Senseless deaths and horrific injuries occur all the time. 

The knee-jerk response of many Trump Republicans was to immediately blame "The Left", President Biden, DEI, CRT, the Jews and Ukraine, because all the money intended for the Secret Service apparently went to missiles and now they have to hire dumb girls, or something. That's right, before they even knew who the shooter was or had any idea why he was shooting (which we still don't know).

Oh, and one more thing: we better not criticize Fearless Leader or bring up January 6th ever again. 

Needless to say, that's not something I'm about to do. Donald Trump getting shot at isn't going to make him a better person and this shooting certainly doesn't cancel out what happened on January 6th. I still believe he has no business being president and the reckless lying about election fraud that led up to the massive violence of that day, the bloodshed, the Confederate flag being led through the Capitol, the violence intended to our political system. is something the Republican party must atone for--

And they don't want to. They want a repeat. And they want us, desperately and dearly, to just shut up about the insurrection. All the while still lying about voter fraud, the "Great Replacement" and trying to gaslight us that their agenda isn't undoing the progress of the 20th century. (See Project 2025, and realize that Heritage is already calling the 2024 election illegitimate IN ADVANCE.) 

They want unity, but at the price of us being unified in them getting what they want. And no, some pimply kid climbing a shed roof with his Daddy's gun isn't going to get them that. Cool try, though.

Nothing makes me more cynical or disgusted with the state of affairs in this country as the retcon of 1/6 rioters as heroes (or heaven forbid, "hostages" because they are doing time for (gasp) actual crimes like beating on law enforcement, vandalism, etc.) or with Trump's constant narrative that every bad thing that ever happens to him is some form of political martyrdom. "They're doing this to me to get to you."

A man attending the rally with his family died because of what was likely an attempted hit on Trump. Countless people have been fleeced giving money to Trump's legal fund/campaign coffers, some have gone to jail because of his lies. Yes, other people have been more scathed in supporting Trump, than the man himself has been. A badly pierced ear and a whiff of mortality are practically tonics to the kind of narcissist who wanted to wear a Superman shirt and declare himself stronger than Covid.  His "iconic" photo with a raised fist only reminds me he's too dumb to keep his head down when there might be more shots--the same goober who looked directly at an eclipse. 

I don't myself want the man ruined with bullets but by ballots. The hagiography, the apotheosis of Trump by his creepy political barnacles will be completely sick-making, to say the least and what's worse is--some conservatives know very well the power Trump would have if physically martyred. (Like Alex Jones and Ivan Raiklin. Super creepy shit, you guys. Because THEN they would have a justification for all the other "Deep State" targets on their sweet kill list.)  Wouldn't Ziklag and Heritage get more use out of a dead saint than a living sinner? 

But I want him to live. I think most of "The Left" does. For me, because I'm a nasty piece of work, it's because I hope to see him live to have his nose rubbed in the entirety of his own mess. For someone like President Biden, it's probably because we just don't do banana republic stuff like Deep State hits here. 

That's what guys like Putin would do. Poisoned tea. Falls down staircases. Windows that are open at the worst of times, like when someone is about to hurtle towards them. 

What happened was a tragedy. Suddenly lying about the dangers of Trump and his movement, pretending they are not dangerous, would be a farce and more tragedy. No thanks. I will exercise my freedom of speech. 

It would be more unseemly not to. 

UPDATE: Just because I wax pompously doesn't mean I can't have fun with this--but here's an example of Trump Barnacles Gone Wild:

Mike Lee wishes he had two mouths to extoll the wonders of Donald Trump's manhood. The panther-like reflexes! Trump is his duck in the rain. You apparently sometimes need a man like that. (I checked. These are real. There is worse.) 


Dan Kleiner said...

it's the same play: dolt 45 was talking up a stolen election, laying the "big lie" groundwork MONTHS before jan 6.

Vixen Strangely said...

This time, they don't want an election, just a coronation.

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