Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Boebert on Top


One of the primaries I was interested in this year was Lauren Boebert's primary in CO-4, having moved from CO-3 to get a better chance at keeping a seat. After all, her "theatrics" that got her kicked out of a musical last year weren't going to do her any favors, were they? 

What do you think? She beat out a field that included five others. 

This goes a long way to confirming my suspicion that Republicans want mascots, not serious people. Name recognition because of, not in spite of, her often childish and extreme behavior worked for, not against her. (And Twitter tells me a few people familiar with CO politics don't necessarily think there was a better candidate to get behind.) 

This is a GOP problem--it's just that when people get down to voting for literally anyone with an "R" after their name, well, they will, won't they? They can't get better candidates that way. But then again, they don't seem to want them. 


Dan Kleiner said...

that primary had eerie parallels to the one derp furor won in 2016. the opposition vote was spread out between too many candidates- the problem IS that for the fascist gop, collective action is a shonda.

they were (and are) too selfish and too prideful to withdraw and allow the "anti" vote to be consolidated.

Ten Bears said...

There's a good chance she'll flip that seat Democrat for the first time in fifty years

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