Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Vance Walked into This So Hard


It's almost like he somehow did not even see it coming. How is that possible?

I almost titled this "Do you want to see a dead body?" but 1) it's cliched, 2) I'm not sure how much authentic life animates the craven and ambitious husk of J.D. Vance, and 3) regardless, he'll endure, zombie-like and signifying, for some time to come; the rare example of a horror-movie undead ghoul THAT EATS ITS OWN BRAAAAIIIINNN!!!

I get carried away with myself--but not as much as Vance does when he insists Mike Pence was never in danger that day, which really makes me wonder who he's trying to convince. I mean, is he whitewashing the insurrection because it's the MAGA thing to do--or is he trying to convince himself that auditioning to be Trump's running mate has no potential, fatal downside? 

A wise person might very well give that a more serious think than Vance seems to be able to, but I do not actually view him as either wise or serious. This is what, I think, makes him as good a contender as any for Trump's #2.


Ali Redford said...

That's what I just said over at MPS-he didn't even see it coming. Somehow. Sheesh.
Even if I give him too much credit for intelligence and ability, I still don't want him for president, ever. He strikes me as evil.

Vixen Strangely said...

He really doesn't show a lot of character--it seems to me that he would say anything to get ahead, even absurd, harmful things he knows to be lies. Absolutely not to be trusted.

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