Monday, April 8, 2024

TWGB: He is an Obstruction


I didn't post anything this weekend because I'm getting over some kind of extremely fatiguing chesty coughing situation, and also, too, when Trump compared himself to Nelson Mandela, my brain just kept frantically hitting the "NOPE" button.  Oh, hell no, we are not talking about how Trump is not Jesus followed by how he is not Madiba. Trump is not the oppressed. Trump is far from a founder of this country--he;s a homewrecker. Then, the House Judiciary Committee posted Trump as the whole mammy-jamming eclipse.  A blockhead who blocks the sun. 

Well done, cult members. You've finally described him correctly. He's a temporary obstruction blocking daylight: but daylight will prevail. 

Yep, one of the constant stories of these TrumpWorld grab-bags is Trump, the obstructer. The delayer. He is only transparent to the effect that he desperately despises transparency. And you can easily see that part--the NDAs, the Byzantine business structure, the Omerta, the stalling subpoenas and other dilatory bids of various kinds, all throughout his business and political career. 

Take today's abortion platform announcement: it's opaque. Leaving it up to the states is exactly what Dobbs theoretically does. He isn't proposing federal limits like life and health of the mother or exceptions for rape and incest. He's giving--nothing. But he is promulgating the right-wing lie about some bullshit that doesn't exist called post-birth abortion. Here's what carefully listening people learned today--he knows this is a minefield, he can't disavow that Roe v. Wade ended because of his SCOTUS picks because that's his base, and he doesn't want anyone mad at him. So he put out some squid ink that didn't please anyone. While literally saying the very least. 

That's Trump. He doesn't know or care. His message is: Vote for him. Save his ass.  Send lawyers guns and money. That's all he really wants. 

No doubt, his narcissism has a role in how he talks himself up (Jesus, Mandela, the Moon!) and refuses blame for anything that goes wrong while taking credit for anything he can apply his name to. He's not without insecurities. But when he talks up his stock as a pitchman, it takes on a different timbre. (I recall him using Twitter to badmouth Jerome Powell and try to manipulate the whole market--don't you?) When he pretends there is a Russian "hoax" when Russia has always been behind him and still is smells a bit like acknowledgment of guilt--he doth protest too much? 

Show me what Trump wants to hide, and you are showing me what he is afraid to have revealed. 

He is especially secretive about his financials--no? What does that say to me? What's the TWGB motto: If it looks bad, it is bad. Trump talked down his bond from over $450 million to $175 million. He gets an insurer who isn't credentialed in NY and can't substantiate they can put up the money--and their letter basically says "Trump will pay". As he already said--it's impossible. (Or is it?) They just floated a bad IOU! 

I'm not sure how eye-wateringly obvious it is that Trump is playing in everyone's faces, but what he's saying is: it's all true. He overstates his net worth. He can't come up with the lolly. He's in debt politically to Russia. He literally tells us every chance he gets that he can't do the job of president without doing crimes, something no other president or presidential candidate ever tried to assert. I take that to mean he absolutely has done crimes and absolutely will again! Why wouldn't you? 

No wonder so many historians, lawyers, national security professionals and retired military have proffered amici to SCOTUS to let them know how wrong immunity for a scoundrel president would be. Who asks for power with the guarantee it will be abused? 

Trump would obstruct our American experiment in cause of freedom and democracy. We must vote to obstruct his selfish aims. 


Dan Kleiner said...

it's just amazing that SCOTUS took up the case. shows how rotten and corrupt the 6 conservative justices are.

it's appalling. also stupid. they're short-sighted idiots, just thinking about getting past the election. if they give presidents immunity, the big lie-bowski won't NEED them were he to regain 1600 and sink america into despotism. they won't SCOTUS. they won't be supreme ANYTHING.

that being said, if the decision DOES go that way, now that joltin' joe is suddenly immune he could strap the tiny-hands, tangerine, wanna-be-tyrant into a heavy-lift rocket (and i DO mean HEAVY lift) and launch that treasonous fuck into the sun without facing a single consequence.

Vixen Strangely said...

I have a handful of somewhat optimistic ideas about the immunity case: I hoped they would just flat-out reject it because "Hahahahahah-NO!". But it's possible they wanted to set it in stone because apparently, Trump and his fans needs that kind of codified rejection. Just in the same way they have rejected a very broad executive privilege. THe more I think about the idea of complete presidential immunity, the more I see how it undermines everything our country is built on. What ensures a president recognizes treaties? What ensures a president does not interfere with Constitutional due process? How many office-holders of various kinds can he suborn to illegal activity by dangling pardons?

It's nonsense. This proposal is literally Trump's doomsaying: We won't have a country.

Some time, long ago, probably on this blog but maybe some long ago deleted other comment on Democratic Underground or the like, I submitted my three-legged stool problem with the idea of the unitary executive: What if the president was ignorant--as in completely wrongly informed about the law and the facts, when doing whatever they wanted to do (or CHOSE to be so wrongly advised, because it meshed with their agenda)? What if the president was delusional--as in, on some Ahab-like fixation having nothing to do with the interest of the nation? and last: What if a president was thoroughly corrupt and acting for the benefit of other actors, whether corporate or another nation, besides this country's best interest, for hope of some material benefit?

What if the country was so benighted as to have someone suffering all of the above afflictions? Because here we are, with the perfect case against giving a mere imperfect human carte blanche. The most imperfect human imaginable.

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