Tuesday, March 19, 2024

TWGB: Where Did it Go?


So, it looks like Trump is broke. He got Chubb to do his E. Jean Carroll thing, but they'll be fucked if they are standing his fraud trial bond. His lawyers say he can't get that bond, and no shit. This man had debts before he even ran for president. He has big loans from all kinds of people. And he barely owns any properties at all in full or outright. This is actually a pretty old story--Trump never has been worth what Trump says he is.  Trump's value has been about Trump's word--and we know what his word is worth now. 

Even after the NY AG seizes his properties, he may still owe. That's where we are. Because I don't know for sure that he put anything up for collateral for the Chubb bond for the Carroll case, but probably? And what isn't encumbered? 

But here's my naïve question for you all, my readers, in all seriousness, if Trump has been overstating his property valuations to get favorable loan terms, and evading taxes on his business wherever he could, and engaging in various frauds, like Trump University and his slush fund charity and so on, and money laundering and the like--where does his money go that he can't find a half billion in liquidity? Is it a thing where the money is gone and he's just a whole shitting inept businessman who frauded his face off and still ended up in a hole? Or did he invest elsewhere (offshore, you could say) where the money is available to him and he isn't letting other motherfuckers get hold of it? 

Do you think if he graciously lets us see his tax returns for the last couple of years like a responsible presidential candidate, we'll even know? 

And this is the guy some people want managing the US economy after he ran up the debt as if he literally told us he was the king of debt?  He's a magician--he makes money disappear. It's like making money go POOF was his whole ass job. Who loses money in the casino business--Trump! Who pretends he's an economic stable genius with this portfolio and....good god you guys, read a chart or something, his economy was not great. He has no fucking clue. He rode Obama's coattails until he fucked up COVID and derailed everything and now wants to pretend anyone was better off four years ago.

(Well, he was better off. Maybe.)

So here's a worrisome and adjacent thing--he seems to want his associate Paul Manafort, who he pardoned for money laundering and tax evasion and being a whole ass Russian asset on his campaign team. Yeah. The biggest connection between his 2016 campaign and Russia and a character in the first impeachment. Does that mean he's opening the window to Russian influence again?

Ha! Was it ever closed

Anyway, like, my TWGB in 2018 looked like this. Would you believe Trump was just now told he couldn't exclude Daniels or Cohen's testimony from the hush money trial he's finally having? One day, eventually? 

But still and all--Trump is supposedly making money off the stupid illegal stuff he gets caught doing--and where does it go? Is it possible he's proof crime doesn't pay? And also, in answer to the OBVIOUSLY GENUINE AND NOT AT ALL STUPID QUESTION FROM MARK LEVIN:

Well, for one thing, they don't throw good money after bad--how do you think they got so rich? Also he doesn't pay people back because he's an asshole. And he's going to fuck up his campaign because his brain is bad and his life is bad and he doesn't have anything to offer so he's going to spin out in an egregious fashion by doing more things like slandering Jewish Democrats

Where did Trump's reputation go? Where did "Make America Great" go? Probably down the golden toilet he flushed classified documents and everything else. 

And Judge Cannon better stop playing. I think she should be benched--or is that, de-benched?  Is the meaning of the law multiple choice? Once again, this is about national security, and I don't know if she's too scared or too ambitious to try this case, but there's something the hell up here. 


The Sophist said...

Two observations:

I. Making/losing money in gambling
1. I recall that TFG was mobbed-up in the 80s (he couldn't get a Nevada gaming license b/c of that)
2. he built too many casinos in Atlantic City, sure.
3. But Boy Howdy I wonder if the reason he managed to lose money there was also that his "partners" were taking their cut (and as we well know, they take everything they can get their hands on, haha)

II. Golf courses

I recall reading that many of his golf courses lose money, and we're talking millions and millions.

In short, I wonder if he's just a really bad businessman, and loses money hand-over-fist, when he's not getting outright robbed. Also, sure he sells condos to Russians (money-laundering), but those Russians are gonna want some percentage of their money back eventually, and so there goes more money.

Vixen Strangely said...

This squares with some of my observations--Trump makes bad choices, and once his mind is made up, he can't be swayed because he's persuaded that admitting he's wrong about something is a sign of weakness. This leaves him living with bad choices and their aftermath all the time. Also--if he has a set of choices, and one is completely on the up and up and gives him a modest chance of success, and the other is a dodgy gamble with a high risk to reward ratio--he'll do the latter. Like he's a glutton for the drama.

Exactly what one shouldn't want in a leader.

Dan Kleiner said...

calling manafort back into the fold is basically flipping the switch on the runway lights and asking the russians to fly il-76's in, on the hour, full of pallets of dollars for the big lie-bowski to use to foment civil war while running for supreme leader. uncle joe's running for president. butternut berlesconi isn't.

the senate intelligence committee's report was harsh and unsparing. manafort is owned lock, stock and barrel (or should i say, ostrich jackets) by the gru.

Vixen Strangely said...

Trump has also teased the return of Mike Flynn if he's re-elected. Of all the things that make me want to vomit from my eyeballs, it's the cowardice (and cowardice is the actual better thing I could ascribe to them) of people who have reason to understand perfectly well the damage to national security Trumpism as a movement represents and how it lays us open to foreign influence and undermines our intelligence relationships with allies, and are too gutless to come out and call him what he is. Senate GOP know perfectly well what he was and let him escape impeachment conviction twice. They could have staked the fucking vampire. And like the pathetic whistledicks they are they refused the opportunity to defend our country's values and reputation and long-standing alliances.

And because they didn't take a stand, they have normalized this abnormality. They are simply not worth more than the elements they could be broken into or the calories they would release upon being metabolized

Kwark said...

If trump had cash stashed overseas don't you think we all would know about it because trump can't keep his mouth shut, even when it's in his own best interest. You can just hear him crowing about how "many people say it's so much cash, mountains of cash".

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