Sunday, March 24, 2024

The Signs of the Crocus


The shocking thing about the kind of society Russia is, is that a horrific terrorist attack can take place in the heart of the country, where the government had been warned such an attack might be immanent by the US, where credit for the attack has been claimed, the sitting dictator fresh from his irrelevant and rigged election can decide to blame it on Ukraine, and such is the propaganda network, absolute chunderfucks will vomit out this unintelligence for actually--free. They don't even need to be paid to be conspicuously wrong about a grave thing. 

The intelligence all says it is ISIS. But what if these guys looked awfully white to be Muslims (I dunno, man--it's not like there's a reverse paper-bag test to get into ISIS)? What if they were headed towards Ukraine? What if your aunt had balls and you were a chimp--would that make her a monkey's uncle? Kremlin Supergenius Putin thinks maybe it could be Ukraine

If one wanted it to be enough, couldn't it be? 

But here's our horror--this is an American former military officer:

He "can't say" it was ISIS--definitely people with a history of terrorism, who did a big act of terrorism, but for some reason, it was definitely the CIA and MI-5. Exactly what you would excpect of Russian propaganda

There is history and reason why Russia would be an ISIS target. Pretending it's anything to do with Ukraine is not answering the problem and probably pretext for more brutality in Ukraine. Putin just has no interest in a reality that doesn't serve his propaganda ends, so why pursue ISIS? 

It's hard to say he has an interest in reality at all, but if a persistent ISIS threat develops, and he has a brain too broke to pay attention, this is not keeping the Russian people safe, as he pretends to do by expanding his Ukrainian border westward. This is leaving them open to a threat he purposefully chose to ignore and blame on others. 

What would you expect but that Apartment Bombings Putin would try to break reality to his own ends? Even bacteria know how to be opportunistic, right? 

UPDATE: These are the men who were apprehended, and visibly appear to have been tortured:

2 comments: said...

The shocking thing about the kind of society Russia is, is that a horrific terrorist attack can take place in the heart of the country, where the government had been warned such an attack might be immanent by the US, where credit for the attack has been claimed, the sitting dictator fresh from his irrelevant and rigged election can decide to blame it on Ukraine, and such is the propaganda network, absolute chunderfucks will vomit out this unintelligence for actually--free. They don't even need to be paid to be conspicuously wrong about a grave thing.

"Bin Laden Determined To Strike in the US" Shrub "Ok you've covered your asses..." and on the afternoon of September 11, Rumsfeld was figuring out how to blame it on Iraq.

Vixen Strangely said...

Yes. There are images of one of the suspects captured for this incident being tortured (his ear was cut off) and my first thought was our own Bagram/Gitmo/Abu Ghraib network--

Where you see torture, you are seeing people looking for false confessions because they don't care about the truth. There were people who wanted to find links between Al Qaeda and Iraq, and Putin's minions will try to find links between these guys and Ukraine, even if they have to extracts it like tooth from their mouths. The reason I see sympathy or even collusion between GOP/far-right people and Putin is because, fundamentally, their mindset is similar--power matters, not truth. But truth IS the real power. You cannot impose a false reality by demanding it, only stupid people believe it and only weak people would want to.

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