Sunday, March 24, 2024

A Golf Clap for Mr. Trump

You know, the sort of thing a tyrant can't really cope with is generally the small stuff grown people usually don't sweat, like being the butt of a joke or losing at something every now and again. In order to cope with being Donald Trump, he has to cheat at golf and win awards for matches held at his own clubs. Joe Biden gets that.

We are still living in the world where President Obama and Seth Myers may have awakened a sleeping ego-monster, after all.

On the eve of the day Trump is supposed to pony up his bond for his appeal, pay his settlement, or watch as the process of asset seizure begins, it sems likely to me that Trump, the beneficiary of many unearned prizes, who was denied the opportunity to "earn" a Purple Heart by his damned bone-spurs and has yet to see that Nobel Prize chucked his way, really needed the morale boost a participation first place trophy gives him

Now maybe I am way off base. After all, Trump could be a great golfer given how often he plays. In a world where we used to just talk about "country club Republicans", here is the guy who own the country clubs! For now.  And who looks more at home in a golf cart?  (I've been to Sicily, though--it is indeed a very hilly walk.) And maybe President Biden truly wishes Don Poorleone well because after all, he was a little rough on him earlier this week. 

That being said, in honor of Joe Biden being a bigger man (from what I hear) I am following his lead and offering a golf clap. It isn't the first clap Trump has received from a nasty woman by a long shot, I am sure. 

1 comment:

bjkeefe said...

Besides the mic drop aspect of Biden's tweet, I also love that, as of this moment, it has gotten 91K likes.

(Donald's was at 17K at the time of the screenshot.)

Ashes, Ashes

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