Monday, February 19, 2024

Yellow-Belly Elegy


I still don't know what to make of what happened to Republicans that the idea of the United States being the leader of the free world has come to die in their puerile gobshittery over supporting Putin's puppet, Trump and the idea of Russia as a place of white Christian civilization, with some notable exceptions giving the appropriate pushback.  Maybe the bank-account-less Christian nationalist Speaker of the House, Mike Johnson, can write us something compelling about that while he's on vacation, since drafting legislation is not a big concern of his. 

I know a good writer! J. D. Vance, raised just outside of the hollers of Cincinnati where for all I know WKRP was a real radio station and the thing about serving chili over spaghetti is just a rust belt superstition, he's a REAL-ASS-WRITER and could probably tell us why Avdiivka had to be abandoned by the fighters of Ukraine even if thousands of Russian invaders were slaughtered there, even if the place was reduced to rubble (a Russian-speaking place "defended" by the defenders of Russian-speaking people--right?) Because the Ukrainians who ridiculously think their country has to do with their borders just done run out of ammunition. 

Which we could have easily provided.

But Vance wants to know what the strategic benefit is. What the hell are they doing and all that? 

Let me spell it out for him, nice and easy--they want Russians to go the hell back home and leave their country alone and they will fight like hell to get rid of them. So it's over when Russia is not in their borders. It could not be clearer. No Russia in Ukraine--no problem. They are not going to cede territory because why should Russia benefit from doing something wrong? It's like telling a robber they can keep some of their stolen goods so long as they got out of the house. 

They do not stop fighting like hell because we abandon them. They just die in greater numbers. I don't think that should happen to brave small d-democratic small-l liberal people. I think if you think that because Putin's drunken midget buddy wants to pretend they will nuke the world because they want a some kind of piece of Eastern Europe that you must be out of your fucking mind or paid by somebody. 

I don't know who pays J.D. Vance. I do know that a coward dies as many deaths as it takes to get his jittery carcass quit of this world.

I don't worry about Vance's soul. I just worry about what he, a grown man and a senator who has read at least a couple of history books, has to say for his sorry self supporting Trump and Putin, who are opposed to freedom and decency. And this little elegy is for the job he could have made of being a senator if he wasn't so jaundiced. I worry about so many Republicans just like him. And I worry about my country and the state of the world.


Dan Kleiner said...

m1a2 abrams tanks are made in lima, ohio.

Vixen Strangely said...

Used to be, Republicans understood defense spending as a jobs program--good well-paying manufacturing jobs.

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