Tuesday, February 6, 2024

No, I Never Did Hear of "Supply Change".


I've heard of the "supply chain" and so has everyone else. We heard about it especially when it was broken during COVID shutdown when you couldn't find toilet paper or rubbing alcohol or Lysol.  Does Trump really misremember the phrase as "supply change"? As in, we changed from when we could find things in the store to where we could not find things in the store? 

Trump's economy was stupid and not great. It really wasn't what we were promised. His only success was inherited.  The story of his life. 

Maybe he thinks this is a phrase he invented, like when he invented "priming the pump". Trump is the Edison of prevarication--he's always inventing things. Sometimes he Columbuses stuff people have known since forever and asks if they've heard about it, like he's a pioneer. This is because the guy who can't remember people's names, even now, always tries to cover up for his lapses. He's covering up for one of his major lapses right now--he forgot to secure the border during his first term. He could have made it a priority since he ran on it, but he forgot and only shut down the government when he lost the midterms. 

And couldn't get his wall money because Mr. Art of the Deal had no leverage. And shutting down the government didn't help anything. It was costly and dumb. His immigration policy was meh at best. And abusive of human rights at worst. 

This is the dumbass Putin Puppet, the brain-damaged silver spoon con artist, that most of the GOP is in thrall to? The one throwing fellow conservatives under the bus for supposed failure to show fealty to the Real Republican (TM) Donald Trump? He's got Mitch McConnell throwing validated conservative Jim Lankford under the bus? ("Make changes" in this environment feels like "sacrifice oneself on the pyre of MAGA and get roasted until there's nothing left"--the changes are stop wanting stuff now, wait on MAGA-GOD.) 

The bus-throwing is just part of the loyalty-proving process, though. After all, Ronna Not-Romney McDaniel is fixing to get thrown under the bus for not raising money in the tilted space where all money accrues to Trump PACs and his lawyer bills anyways. As I pointed out on Twitter: "There's a hubris some people have in believing the bus will run out of gas before they get thrown under it. But Ronna believed this while filling up the tank."

So, here's the gift they are giving the Democrats by NOT supporting the most strict immigration bill they were ever going to get under a Democrat president--the GOP sacrificed the ability to say they tried. They failed to deliver. For Trump, they postponed the opportunity to act, and revealed they are cowards. They are also sacrificing being heroes of Western Civilization regarding Ukraine. They are cowardly appeasers. Absolutely sucking buttermilk up their sore asses. Pathetic whining losers. And they are letting Israel down because the standalone bill is bound to be close--and vetoed. 

It's just fucking February. Trump could be convicted of something, indicted on something else, or die before November, and House AND Senate Republicans are now turning down the opportunity to fix something they see as so very problematic?  Because it would hurt the only thing Trump can run on, which HE FUCKED UP WHEN HE WAS IN OFFICE? When they have so excellent a chance right now?

There is no reason for conservatives to support this party anymore because they have given up making sense and just support Trump, the worst, stupidest, most lying human in the world. Who has good odds of dying in prison. 

Holy shit what is wrong with these people? I don't MIND that the Republicans are handing Democrats so much to run on, but how are they this fucked up? What the whole entire fuck? I study GOP fuckups as a major hobby but this--is a whole world of unique fucked up. Make any of this make sense!


Grung_e_Gene said...

Claim all Credit
Pass all Blame

Demagogue Demagogue Démagogue

If Republicans manage to keep the election close J.D Vance admitted they will outright steal it.

Steve in Manhattan said...

"Supply change" is simply what many in Trump's orbit will be doing when he fails to be reelected - i.e. "here's your change."

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