Friday, October 13, 2023

TWGB: You Don't Have to Hand it to Hezbollah

Trump's reckless stream-of-consciousness diatribes are sometimes more revealing than he thinks they are. What does it say about the man when he feels the need to say that "Hezbollah is very smart" and that he has some beef with Netanyahu going back to the US strike on Iran's General Soleimani? You have to wind of the tangled thread of his speech; he might not know that Hezbollah is based in Lebanon making striking Israel in the north sort of logical: what should they do, go around?  He mentions the failure of Iran's intelligence. He says Netanyahu was unprepared...

Many people are saying, as the formulation goes, that Trump is really actually made at Netanyahu for acknowledging Biden's win over him in 2020 and for his gratitude at US support now. Trump is, in other words, jealous and feeling upstaged. This might make sense of another weird detail of Trump's ramblings lately, his insistence that Barack Obama is Joe Biden's boss. He needs to credit the competence of his political rival to someone else.

But there is a darker thought: we know Trump's cache of stolen documents likely contained information from Israeli sources and that he had no problem revealing such information while in the White House--so what's stopping him now? Also, Trump admits as he tells his Netanyahu story about the Soleimani strike, understood to be an extreme move at the time, that he has not told that one before--

Maybe because that wasn't his motivation, but rather a way of saying that Israel, via Netanyahu, had it coming? People who do terrible things like to find justifications for their actions, even after the fact. 

I have bad feelings, is all I'm saying. Trump's hosting the crazies at Doral again, including a Holocaust-denying anti-semite. His weird former NSA seems to have transformed into a wild-eyed prophet of the Trump Apocalypse. The Christian Nationalists that Flynn courts have long centered their thoughts about the End Times in the vicinity of Megiddo. It's very combustible material.

And I can't shake that the Hamas/Hezbollah/Iran/Russia connection is a part of things--vide Russian media

Should there be a backlash to Trump's weird foreign policy pronouncement without dark translations of what he's actually saying? Sure, but we don't expect Trump to say sane things as it is. His fan club will justify what he's saying. It should promote consideration of what he's all about--they can't or won't make such consideration. 

1 comment:

Ten Bears said...

Yeah, it is a nice package, all wrapped up with a bow on top. But there's a vague odor

Something about it doesn't feel quite right ...

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