Monday, September 4, 2023

Unqualified Shitheadery


Yeah, no. The idea that pardoning Trump would "unite the country" is dumb as hell. It already assumes that most people want him to be pardoned, and I don't think they do. He lost the 2020 elections and the upcoming trials are not going to be pretty for him. But if most people did, and there was nothing absurdly, obscenely wrong with any of Trump's activities:

Why is your stupid ass running against him in the Republican primary, then? And the same question goes for the fools who raised their hand to say they would vote for Trump, if he was the 2024 primary winner, and was also convicted of any of his 91 charges.  Once again--what is the play? Are they praying for a meteor strike? Do they think the King of the Hermit Kingdon of Mar-A-Lago is going to stroke out on a gilded toilet passing a big greasy hamberder very conveniently in March 2024 or thereabouts?

For that matter, when Tucker Carlson darkly suggests that Trump is likely to be the recipient of a hit, aren't we all pretty well aware it would benefit his would-be Republican successors far more than it would Democrats? 

Think about it: the martyrdom of the Once and future President, Donald Trump. He will come back from death at the hour of America's greatest need having harrowed heaven and hell alike to bring supernatural aid to the Chosen MAGA faithful in a final Battle for the Soul of the Country. It would bring out the most florid cult shit in his rabid fans, and benefit whoever best captured the indignation and rage of even the most pedestrian conservative who always wanted to claim the liberals are WORSE!

It would be a Flight 93 election on steroids. 

The idea that pardoning Trump would be historically great like pardoning Nixon allegedly was, is weaksauce, which is about par for Vivek Ramaswamy's understanding of American history.  It did not unite the country at the time nor became applauded until later. And as for me, I am still hating on Nixon because IMHO, the pardon was why Republicans never learned anything. The Iran-Contra pardons were why Republicans never learned anything. The failure to fault-find over Abu Ghraib and Gitmo and the 9/11 national security failures are why Republicans never learned anything. 

I think today's Democrats dislike Trump more than yesteryear's disliked Nixon.  I don't know it for a fact. But don't they? 

The biggest, most obvious, you could drive a truck through it, weakness in Trump's armor is: he's Trump. Twice impeached. One-term. Four-times-indicted. The inability of Republican opponents to use this obvious weakness against him has to be a sign of stupidi--

Or wait--

The depths of the compliance, connivance, and culpability of the Republican party in all of it? No one dares shout "J'accuse!" without a million potential felons falling out? 

When Ramaswamy says it, it sounds like the pandering of a slick, green, shallow man who has never thought hard about public matters a day in his life. When I would not be surprised if Mike Pence or Nikki Haley would be at home saying as much, the lack of ethical, sensible adults who understand the danger of Trump, and why we even have laws against things he has done, becomes all too clear. You can not swear an oath to this country and its Constitution and yet support a man who swore that oath and then violated the hell out of it. It means you give no credence to and have no faith in, such things. 

The Derp Bench of 2024 sags under the weight of Trump, and can not shift him off. The petty men who walk under his huge legs and peep about are looking for nothing better than dishonorable political graves. 


Richard said...

I don't want him to be president again. Look what he has done. A Trump presidency would not unite the country. 2016, when this whole nightmare started, we joked oh it looks like they have their golden calf. We had no idea of what was coming. Vivek Ramaswamy! What is he thinking? He is a nasty disrespectful techbro.

Richard said...

Very selfish, very ignorant, very in love with himself. Also he is a foolish guy if he thinks he can get the honkies to vote for him. He is a Brown Guy. That won't go in trumpland.

Joseph Max said...

What Gerald Ford should have done is let the courts find Nixon guilty, and then pardon him.

Malicious Compliance?

  Monday night, people became aware of a memo from the Trump Administration that halted payments regarding all sorts of things .  That memo ...