Saturday, September 16, 2023

TWGB: The Watchdog Failure


This is how the latest iteration of Meet the Press is going to play out? One former WHPC sitting down with a man who has 91 charges and four indictments and listen to him babble about labor, a thing he has no idea about because his working life has been about stiffing contractors and hiring the undocumented?  Trump knows how to cheat on his wives, his taxes, cheat his workers out of pay, but he does not and will not learn shit about the auto industry or the union people making it go. 

Autoworkers would have jobs if their company management would roll with the times. There's a failure of vision when business leaders decide money over everything: and what could be reasonably profitable businesses are looking at short-term profitability or face liquidation because quick cash yo!

I've never been persuaded that businessman Trump even understands business, and not just because he bankrupted casinos playing with house money--like buying properties practically next to each other and keeping them kind of low-rent and all. I can sympathize with people who think the casino times was just him playing with a version of money laundering--why not? Things like Trump insisting on the US having the highest CBT rate when we don't, or pretending the foreign countries pay the tariffs in his entirely not a free-market scheme kind of make me wonder just what Trump got for his Daddy-purchased business degree. 

The man's fucking dim and has been for years. His lightbulb has been blown but he insists he's lighting up the world. So why are Megyn Kelly and Kristin Welker giving his adjudicated rapist ass and four-time indicted self such a platform? 

Ratings? Makes sense for Megyn Kelly, whose platform is her shoes and this skirt: 

I'm assuming, being similar in age, she's no longer bleeding everywhere out of her whatever. And she's in the Bartiromo/Logan zone anyway, so I can't care about her once pretty/twice crazy ass. But Kristin Welker just got the Meet the Press job and is starting with normalizing an insurrectionist who stole top clearance docs? 

This is exactly the problem everyone had with MTP under Todd and others--the chumminess. Meeting "the press" should really be being on the spot, or GTFO.  Starting this way is so inauspicious. 

Now, the funny, tickly part is, Trump is likely going to reveal his dumb ass in an interview anyway, and he did for MK, and I guess maybe he has for KW and we will see. This is why his lawyers should applaud the effort of Jack Smith to get motormouth to calm his shit down before he incriminates himself harder--I'm sure they read his posts on Truth Social and either call their therapists' or their personal counsel. 

But let me just get this in here: Trump is the leader of the GOP because of a failure to fucking shut the door in his face when the GOP had the chance--they hugged him close. They hold him closer all the time. I talked about the positive feedback loop that made the right wing in this country more crazy over time.  There is possibly also a MAGA doom loop.  A kind of spiraling into the golden toilet next to a pile of classified docs. 

The media should be a kind of watchdog. They fail at policing Trump and have normalized him. A strong party would have rejected Trump as candidate, even if he was a former president, for being too indicted or potentially indictable to be great: this party, and sadly, the complicit media, can't quit him.


Ten Bears said...

Megyn Kelly, the original crotch-shot in the Ambien, Prozac, Viagra and crotch-shots on Fox Kool-Aid. Hasn't changed much. I haven't giving it much thought as she's just so repulsive, but yeah, she is of an age where that cheer-leader skirt is even more repulsive. I honestly don't see what attracts ... bottle-blonde bitches are all grey-skinned and boney, neurotic looking no doubt sexually frustrated probably carrying a gun

I want my news to come from someone who looks like Walter Cronkite ...

Kwark said...

Hmm. . . Like a dog's reaction to a squirrel any blond female in a skirt WILL distract Trump. But honestly, Kelly's a professional trump apologist so it's probably not worth asking why a network that employs her would donate, oh, I mean dedicate so much interview time to someone whose answer to almost any question is an incoherent rambling recitation of grievances, pathetic bragging, and non sequiturs. Personally, I could care less what the interviewer looks like so long as they ask challenging questions and insist the interviewee answer the questions. Pretty rare qualities anywhere in the MSM.

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