Sunday, May 7, 2023

Bleeding Texas


No, this is inadequate. Charles Whitman climbed the watchtower on the University of Texas campus in 1966 and the Luby Cafeteria shooting is infamous from 1991. This mass shooting thing in Texas is deep and makes the resolve of the elected officials there to just rely on "thoughts and prayers" to do anything at all while broadly supporting the NRA disgraceful. Of course, nice thoughts aren't fixing this. 

The culture is clearly fucked up. but the resort of fucked up people to utilize guns to manifest their fucked-upness is a critical problem. I don't want to criminalize folks just having guns, but figuring out who potential criminals are and not arming them would be great. 

I see people out there decrying the folks mocking "thoughts and prayers" as being spiteful about god. Nope, these people are critical of prayers being used hypocritically, to be seen on the street corner doing conspicuous prayer, while being in private doing conspicuously nothing at all. While real humans suffer.  Being shot in innocent surroundings. Sometimes dying, sometimes living with a forever affected life. 

Do you have thoughts and prayers for the permanently maimed and terrorized? Do you consider that survivors have trauma and feel different in public spaces, maybe for a lifetime? 

How is anyone's access to weapons of violence worth this? And before you say "to defend against an overreaching government"--what have you done to make sure voting rights are held sacred, compared to gun ownership rights? I promise you, we are getting the results in this world that we have voted for, and this tragedy is the result of fucked-up public gun policy. 

UPDATE There are people of so-called faith who want this murderous life and think it is okay. 

This is ugliness. This is a spirit of calling God ugly to deny human failures. What a blasphemy, even by my militant agnostic standards.


Jimmy T said...

The obvious response would be that prayers (for some reason) don't seem to work. Maybe we could try getting these weapons of war off our streets, but then you have to take on the NRA and the entrenched belief that the Second Amendment wasn't written in error. Never mind the fact that in colonial days a good shooter could load and fire twice a minute. The AR-15 can shoot over 500 rounds a minute in the hands of an amateur...

Dan Kleiner said...

clearly that piece of shit keith self needs a refresher course on the bill of goddamn rights, specifically the part that reads, "congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion."

Vixen Strangely said...

What fries my bacon about Christian supremacists like Self is that he's content to let go and let God about mass slayings, but he's all about being a wonder of work when it comes to curtailing reproductive rights. Almost as if he picks and choses which of God's projects he thinks he needs to be a part of, and which he just needs to pre/ay on.

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