Saturday, May 6, 2023

TWGB: Hoist on His Own Petard


The airing of Trump's belligerent and weird deposition should be required viewing for those who want an insight into who this once and possible future president is--he's fumbling between knowing what he did and wanting to plausibly disavow. He doesn't know who she is but their meeting can be proved. He can't remember groping or even raping her because maybe this is not rare? He "swooned her"--meaning she was supposed to be into it, when it didn't happen? She thought it was sexy when it never happened? 

The classic rapist line is supposed to be "You liked it. You wanted it." The rapist worldview skews towards the vindication of his penile misadventures.  After everything else, the idea that the victims liked it, that power or celebrity or stardom or privilege or however you want to put it, made the situation fine for some person to be violated by a person with social or financial leverage, is always disgusting. 

Trump is, for me, disgusting. Of course, as a many-times over identified sex pest, I find him appalling. As a mobbed-up money launderer for organized crime and foreign nationals, he's a national security nightmare. 

But his political world view is rapist, as well--you wanted it, you voted for me once. That he was once president of the US means he can violate the US again. Once bitten twice his, you know. Just like Marla Maples is forever his wife, even if divorced, and his first wife stays at his NJ property in Bedminster. Nothing and no one leaves him without a fight, even the whole United States. 

I wonder about the investigation into whether he continues to hold onto documents, because he seems adamant that his is very much his right to do. 

Once again, a situation I think his lawyers would love for him to get gagged about. Also, there's a lot under inspection into whether there was a cover up at Mar-A Lago. 

So anyway, in breaking news, Fani Wiliams might have turned a bunch of Turmp electors to talk about the fraud they were perpetrating, and that seems really great. I would like to hear all about their story. 

It also seems like Jack Smith is onto something about whether Trump and allies were trying to cover up what docs he had and when and who knew about them because, opposed to Trump's opinion, he had no business to accessing them post-not being elected. Which despite his bitter and fraudulent protestations, he was not.  And the Calimari depositions might well elaborate on that. 

Not that all his lil fanclub understood that. The fallout of dumb true believers getting theirs for being dead stupid is going to linger in this country for the longest. 

But bask in this deposition for a glimpse of the man himself. A sad, forgetful, and licentious privileged prick-haver. He's just a celebrity who shot his shot. Over and over. 

He lost his election, he tried to make a fraud happen, He penetrated our body politic and tried to dominate and own the w/hole United States via violence. The very people he told to stand back and stand by went wilding on the day he specified

Stand back and stand by--where did we hear that? What does his speculation out loud, like his stupid Putin rumination (if you are listening?) seem like, but a plausibly deniable but nonetheless obvious order coming down from El Covefe? 

I want to think we have an awful lot of evidence against the idea of Trump's goodwill (ain't none) to understand that what he was trying to pull off in 2020 was definitely a crime. Time will tell, though. 

Time will tell. 


Ten Bears said...

Still haven't dug that golf-course grave up.

I won't be surprised by what they might find ...

Ali Redford said...

I won't be surprised, either, Ten Bears.

This is yet again exceptionally well said, Vixen, thank you!

Playing a Weak Hand of Trump Cards

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