Wednesday, April 26, 2023

TWGB: The Man They Lied For


Cleta Mitchell, who was on Trump's "perfect" Georgia call looking for 11K+ votes and who is currently tooling around the country talking up the prospects of voter suppression, is on tape admitting that she never saw any proof of voter fraud. This doesn't surprise me. Giuliani and Powell never had any, and to the extent Lindell thought he had any, he was mistaken, too. 

Or was it even a mistake? I mean, they all worked so hard to try and reverse the election results with no proof of the alleged voter fraud, and also, it looks like Very Smart Senators like Ted Cruz thought maybe they should just have a commission that awarded the election to Trump based on Serious Concerns. 

Not proof exactly. Just, you know. Vibes. 

If the commission “found credible evidence of fraud that undermines confidence in the electoral results in any given state,” Cruz said, it would be able to recertify the results. 
Notably, in a November 2020 call with Bartiromo that MSNBC aired last week, Cruz suggested Trump’s team of lawyers lacked “actual evidence” of electoral fraud that would hold up in court. 
On the same day as his call with Bartiromo, Cruz and 10 other Senate Republicans unveiled a plan to reject the certification of results in states where Trump contested his defeat unless an “emergency 10-day [congressional] audit” of results was completed.

See, I know Cruz can complain that he was very public about this plan, but the thing is--there was no proof, just the allegation of an inveterate liar.  Cruz himself was called out by Trump for imaginary vote-rigging in the 2016 Iowa primary, so he knows what Trump is full of. The proposed commission would be a farce based on nothing at all--so why do it, if not to set up a "steal"? 

I was prepared to do a post this evening about the opening statements on Trump's civil trial for defamation and sexual assault, because this is the nature of the man so many Republicans went to so much trouble to keep on as their president. 

But it isn't about just Trump-- there are many Republicans who just don't care if he's guilty of any crime at all. Two thirds of Republicans would support Trump for president even if he was guilty of a crime. 

Rape? Fraud? Tax evasion? Insurrection? Treason? Because they all look to be on the table. And these Republicans who don't care if he was guilty of a crime--doesn't that suggest what they might be willing to do for him? Even crimes, themselves?

Sometimes, even when you know something intellectually, you see it and it stuns you, knocking the bottom out of your world, and it feels like brand new information. Yeah. The family values party who lords their alleged faith and morality about was prepared to destroy this country to keep a lowlife predator in office because they truly nakedly stand for nothing but power, however obtained. And his moral unfitness doesn't seem to worry them at all.

After all he's done. 

Anyway Jack Smith will be looking into Ted Cruz's commission and the other recordings Abby Grossberg formerly of Fox News might have. Once again, the Fox News/Dominion matter, settled, but not over. 

It's still serving.

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