Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Climate Sunday 2: Stop Electing Ron Johnson!


I explained my problem with no-nothing babble-on dipshits just a few nights ago, but the rationale still holds: this man has not the least idea what he's talking about, nor the wit or imagination to appreciate the human misery that follows-through from any of the things that climate change portends. On one hand, less people will freeze to death but counterpoint: people will die in heat waves. There will be forest fires. There will be desertification of formerly arable land. There will be water shortages. There is a limit to the benefit of CO2 increase on plant growth. Crops can easily be wiped out by flooding, hail, mudslides. Whole cities can be devastated by increased cyclonic activity. Changes in the jet stream broadly affect planting schedules in a way we can't yet anticipate, and climate changes affect where planting crops is most effective. 

And the result of these changes will be mass human migration and local conflicts over water rights and international conflicts over human rights-- like who gets to eat. Like who can live in the zones that remain livable, when areas formerly safe are no longer capable of supporting life. 

This dumb, dumb man represents too many people who cannot appreciate the knock-on effects of the changes in our atmosphere and the weather it produces already occurring. Johnson is exactly the kind of dumb-dumb we need to stop having because this! My figurative god in a literal existential conundrum--WTF is this kind of happy-ass thinking?  And is he really saying, yeah well, if it's really hot in Africa, the right sort of people will get it? Because that's sort of how I'm hearing it.

He doesn't realize a town in Canada got incinerated because of a heat bubble not two years ago? Climate disasters aren't far away and other folk. It's all of us, and why in the hell aren't African folks also your concern, supposed Christian? 

All of what he says is too dumb and out of touch. I don't understand how someone like this got so recently re-elected, when he is obviously paint chip-eating dumb. 


What the whole fuck? Wasn't Neanderthal Marge there? With her knuckles down low and her prehensile tail steadying her? No, no one paid taxes and we also didn't have cars and trains and airplanes, and tanks, and factories, and there were hundred thousands of us, not billions of us. Absolute fucking stupid. 

What is wrong with these people? 


Ten Bears said...

Like lead and mercury, increased levels of CO2 in the atmosphere correlates with decreased levels of cognitive skills in the test population ...

Dan Kleiner said...

so what's her excuse, ten bears, steroids?

Malicious Compliance?

  Monday night, people became aware of a memo from the Trump Administration that halted payments regarding all sorts of things .  That memo ...