Monday, November 21, 2022

Nearly Speechless


It's the reason that lies behind what everyone will call a "senseless act" that leaves me beggared for words. I mean: a troubled young man with a history of violent activity shows reg flags, goes on to commit an act of horrific violence with an AR-15. 

I have written so many words following this very outline.

That the young man in question has a political connection doesn't shock me, either--after all, recall the July 4th parade shooting? His father had been a candidate for mayor, and believed he raised his son with "good morals".  That the Colorado Springs shooter's grandfather was pro-insurrection? 

There's nothing I can say about that. Was this violent fool under the impression he was firing shots in a cultural war? Was he a part of the recent violent threats facing LGBT communities

Of course. 

I am heartbroken for this community and the victims and the families of the victims. There is too much hate and too many guns in the hands of the hateful. I feel like I keep saying it and saying it and saying it...


Grung_e_Gene said...

It's a tough thing to acknowledge but, Republicans have declared War on the LGBTQ community. Not rhetorical but, actual stoking of terrorist acts against people. Now, as always they hide behind euphemisms and a thin veneer of deniability but, I hope people recognize that Republicans and Rightwingers are killing Americans. It's not theoretical or Can It Happen here hypothetical. IT's happening.

Be Ready. Be Prepared. And Be Safe.

Ten Bears said...

No Grung, they've declared war on all of us. Even Old Bikers, V-Vets

I closed a post earlier today 'I didn't come looking for this fight

All I wanted was to be left alone' ...

Grung_e_Gene said...

You're absolutely correct Ten Bears, but many, many people don't want to accept that Republicans want to kill them.

Vixen Strangely said...

They've been making it clear on numerous levels that they don't care if certain people die: the Covid propaganda made it clear that old people and disabled people were fine to get struck off from their living permit. Open the schools meant they didn't give a shit if teachers and lunch ladies died. They wanted front line retail and restaurant workers to take their chances too, assuming working class lives were replaceable. They don't bat an eyelash at the idea that no exceptions for abortion means dead female-bodied people--they studiously disregard the basic medical facts and substitute their own reality in order to de-prioritize the life of the "host" of the fetus. The acceptance of school shootings means a continued low thrum of horror throughout a human lifespan, an urgency to self-protection, an impetus to take up the gun in a world at war.

They ignore what psychology says about LGBT experience and substitute it with their perverse death-religion.

I was raised to fight. My father taught me to how drive a man's nose up to his skull and pull eyes out because it might be necessary as a woman to know how to do that to save myself. And I think he was right. He only thought it would be to spare myself from rape. I have only me--like the Colorado Springs queers had themselves, to fight against terror when it comes home.

I never experienced my father's worst fears for me, but I am prepared for my worst fears.

Vixen Strangely said...

Just as an addendum to any casual steppers into this conversation--I find David Neiwart's The Eliminationists an essential read on the history of how and why the right wing horde is coming for you.

Malicious Compliance?

  Monday night, people became aware of a memo from the Trump Administration that halted payments regarding all sorts of things .  That memo ...