Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Do They Want to Adopt Your Baby?


A photo has been going around the Twitter of a smiling couple with a sign: "We will adopt your baby." These people seem sketchy as hell. There may be perfectly lovely people out there willing to adopt "unwanted" children, but so much of this kind of signifying suggests that the only reason for terminating a pregnancy is that one doesn't want a baby. Sometimes pregnancies are terminated because someone did want a child--but this pregnancy is fatally flawed, or the baby will have disabilities incompatible with life. Sometimes, in the case of a minor or a rape victim, the pregnancy itself is a burden.

The smiling couple imply one of the other fears a person might have--that selfish, cultish, unsuitable people will adopt their child and give it a terrible life. There's a sense deep down that it might be better not to be, than to be unloved or abused. 

And then there's people who will smile at a camera and say of course they love babies.  And they would adopt yours, but, really, more as a "for instance". 

It's just more...theoretical, you know, in the abstract. It's complicated, you know? 

Sure. Pregnant people understand all kinds of things are complicated. That's why they deserve a choice.


Ten Bears said...

There's a big black-market in babies ~ kidnapping them out of Ukraine right now ...

E.A. Blair said...

If ever there were a pair of backpfeifengesichten, those two have them.

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