Sunday, February 20, 2022

The GOP Still Supports Putin's Puppet


You know, the more time goes by, the more I wonder what exactly was said between Trump and Putin at Helsinki, because the physical attitude of Trump and Putin couldn't have looked more like a smiling owner and a chastised pup. I think about this now because of the stark contrast between the attitudes of Trump and Biden, naturally. I also think of it because Republicans who want to criticize Biden at this moment seem to have lost the plot, if they ever even had it. 

Take today--Devin Nunes doesn't entirely understand why the Biden Administration is telegraphing the moves of Putin before they are made. Why have intelligence, and act on it? It seems deliberately dense to not understand that circumventing disinfo like a false flag operation is acting in a time-sensitive fashion to derail Russia's plans, and that the revelation is about advising Russia and the region that the US has eyes on. If Nunes does not get this, he's daft. But I think he might understand this, and is merely grousing that things are being made harder for Team Trump's favorite dictator. 

After all, one upon a time, Republicans like Nunes would have totally thought that sharing is caring regarding Trump talking to Lavrov and Kislyak in the Oval Office, of all places, about highly sensitive things. That was an amazing act, as much as his obligingly servile claim to have gotten rid of Comey just to end the Russia, Russia, Russia investigation (which did not happen). 

So before I hear shit about Biden in any foreign policy capacity, I need Republicans to admit that Trump came off during his four year learning experience of how to almost world leader like Peter Griffin at his terrorist pool party. 

And I need to them to also admit that unlike Trump, Biden is capable of putting American interests actually first. Which I think they are too scummy to admit, but which he actually does, and kiddos, this is why we never trust Republicans. 
I also think it's funny when a certain party suggests that the White House release the transcript of Biden's calls with Zelenskyy. Oh, this sweet summer child, someone in the White House has access to the transcripts of many of Trump's "perfect calls" and I doubt that game is something they want to actually play. And no, it isn't a game.  This is real life, where many Ukranians can die and we should support democracies as the supposed leader of the free world. And not extort their leaders or just be ignorant anti-NATO puppets of Putin. 

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