Monday, February 7, 2022

Not That I Care About Joe Rogan


I really have been keeping out of the Joe Rogan thing because I don't fucking care about podcasts, but this is what I see: When I saw the same thing from Breitbart, I wrote "Show Me The Plane Ticket" because this was literally the dumbest thing set before me for my rational mind to reject. A person whose backstory was meticulously washed(allegedly) to not make him seem like he was born anywhere but the United States, is caught admitting to being Kenyan for the sole purpose of selling books, because whatever? No. That's not proof of anything. That's dumb. The people promoting it are racist and dumb. Barack Obama is an American-born son of an African man and a White American woman. He's Black all day because that's how society treats him and American forever.

Critical thinking isn't dead, but it isn't exactly being loved, cherished and obeyed by people who could really stand to take up the practice. Anti-vaccination and anti-mask views are bad science championed by "outsiders" because their contrarian behinds got thrown out for making the same arguments that keep getting debunked. They aren't rebels and underground scientists. They are fuck-ups. They've just discovered they can get paid for saying fucked-up things so they do.  Edgy! Far out! 

But can you read a line graph? Can you make your way through a newspaper (they aren't even as thick as they used to be) without just going to the sports section and the funnies? Because the reality is masks work and vaccinations work. You can try and search results for yourself, keeping in mind that you should look at who your sources are (are they just all reverting back to the same guy? are they actually related to actual universities or labs?) 

Do you think about the things you think about? 

See this is the hard thing, for me. I try not to be overly judgmental about how and where people receive their education, because it's really amazing people are struggling to get any kind of perspective in a messy world. It's easy to kneejerk your way through life with whatever cultural indoctrination you got from childhood on. To seek out new info and "do your own research" isn't really a bad thing--it just can lead to really stupid places if you don't understand what you are doing--it's the equivalent of falling for a phishing scam or clicking on a link that malwares your system. Except, you can malware your actual head. You can let social engineering fuck up your forebrain. You can forget your home training about right and wrong. 

So it matters to me that Joe Rogan thinks the n-word is funny and reminisces about demanding oral from female comedians so they can earn stage time. This is ugly shit. This and other things lets me know that maybe his perspective is bad because his choices aren't great. They do harm to other people. And someone who does harm and doesn't think about it because they remain popular is a kind of menace. I don't like that. So even if I don't even understand what a spotify is (is it like Napster?) I get why people don't want to spotify anymore, because bad vibes. 

The guy who made people eat worms for money on television seems to be making people adopt brain-worms as a lifestyle. That is very dumb and wrong. People should understand that listening to Joe Rogan should not take the place of thinking about things. You should still try and do that. And sometimes you will realize he's full of shit. This is called personal growth, and I will always support people who choose to grow. So until Joe Rogan is Joe Grow the fuck up and don't say the N word and for godsakes vet your guests and maybe stop sucking I think some kind of boycott of his dopey product makes a lot of sense. 

I don't want anyone to be unemployable. But I really think this guy could be way better employed doing something other than misinforming the masses. 

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