Sunday, November 21, 2021

What the Entire Fuck.


Oh wow, no. Actually not in the very least. Um, fascism is like toenail fungus in some ways in that, like, you can cure it most times, but it's really better not to ever get it in the first place. And Putin's feint in Belarus because he wants to do major drama in Ukraine right now is the exact fuckery he's been Hitler in Polanding about for I dunno, like since just before Obama? I never myself don't think he wasn't made a myth because of Reichstagging the Chechen bombings, and that the hell was enough for me to never trust Putin. 

His whole deal is why fascism is bad. Opting for fascism is never a very good sign. 

Kristoff is not an entire liberal ally, he is a guy who hates sex workers like wow.  I mean he gets some things right,  But being intermittently right while being staggeringly wrong at other times isn't a stirring endorsement, is it? And I think Oregon is a place where having a bad blind spot regarding the fash is exceptionally bad. 

I think he might actually not be an ally to workers at all. I hope there is a primary that pits him against someone with less name recognition but more liberal plausibility. Because he is not it. 


Ten Bears said...

Another in a long line of clowns Oregon Repubs have run the past few cycles, the only difference is this time they're running it as a "democrat". And Oregon Democrats are just stupid enough to buy it.

Dan Kleiner said...

wow. that's

Yastreblyansky said...

He's actually a Russian count or something, or maybe that's Michael Ignatieff, but in any case a child of those people who escaped the Revolution with diamonds sewn into the lining of their fur coats. I think these émigrés (including my favorite writer, Vladimir Nabokov) don't necessarily have a very clear idea of what Russia is like, or Communism. I'm more and more convinced by Xi Jinping's maneuvers that Communism actually is a workable economic system (a lot of people will tell you that China isn't Communist at all any more, like Russia, but Xi is proving them wrong), but not a really desirable one. But Kristoff sounds completely nuts.

Yastreblyansky said...

Hi Ten Bears!

Vixen Strangely said...

It's such a long time since I've seen the movie, but in Oliver Stone's Nixon, I seem to recall the Chairman saying something to the effect of "we'll do what we want and call it communism." (If I'm wrong and anyone knows what I'm talking about, please point me to the source of the verdammt quote so I don't watch the movie again.) All I know is, China has billionaires which really feels like something that doesn't happen in a workers paradise, or at at any rate undermines all the anti-communist "You'll never be a big-time success in a country like that" rhetoric one grew up with in the Cold War. But for me, it's always about the totalitarianism. Regardless of economics, I look and I shudder at the human rights abuses.

Malicious Compliance?

  Monday night, people became aware of a memo from the Trump Administration that halted payments regarding all sorts of things .  That memo ...