Friday, October 29, 2021

So Charlie Kirk's Doing Prophecy Now?

Seeing TPUSA's Charlie Kirk threatening about what his big, omniscient and all-powerful sky-friend is going to do while standing in front of a backdrop that reads, "Exposing Critical Racism Tour", reminds me that the way of life in the antebellum period that included slavery was considered a part of God's order and that peculiar institution was defended in the pulpit. And the segregation and degradation of Black people in the US was maintained by white Christian churches. 

Slaveholders were very afraid of "rebellion" amongst their human assets. There is reason to believe that the 2nd Amendment was inspired by fears of slave rebellion. Politicians have used theology as a tool to justify codifying unjust and racially discriminatory laws. And one theory regarding the historical study of how racism was codified into our laws is...critical race theory. Which Charlie Kirk, who has no degree in anything but grifting, is currently on tour being mad about, since it is the well-paid astroturf big concern thing of the moment. 

And now, Charlie Kirk wants to tell us that "they" (Commies, George Soros, Democrats, shitlibs, whoever) will get justice because God says so. And maybe that's a a suggestion was to what God thinks should happen next--? That could might happen eventually wink wink nudge nudge?

It always strikes me as funny that people who say they've read the Bible will go ahead and bear false witness and take the Lord's name in vain on the regular. Like they never considered what "false witness" and "taking the Lord's name in vain" really meant. But "lying about what actually happened" is a good way to say "false witness", and "taking the Lord's name in vain" is a not-very opaque way of saying "God is not your imaginary hype man". Deciding to just say something you think out loud and saying Jesus is your +1 on that is kind of blasphemous, right? Same with false prophecy.

So as to "what they did to our country"? I don't know (it could be anything from whoever allegedly stole elections to the demasculinazation of our manly McMannersons or even the protection of our precious bodily fluids against a Communist plot), but I think it might point to the not at all, or very possibly--I GUESS) a planted person's query of: "When do we get to use the guns?" 

Because they need to backfill a reason to use the guns. I'm in agreement with Amanda Marcotte on what's up with some of the Republican faithful kayfabe--they know good and well some of what they profess is a lie, they just want a good reason to get violent. Or to discriminate against others. It's convenient. So any conspiracy theory, however stupid, or even good old "Deus Vult!" will suffice. 

It's no prophecy, but I respect it's foreshadowing. This airhead is telling people maybe God wants them to get a little vengeance on for the good old omnipotent being who could sort it out for Himself if he so minded, but prefers to deputize other airheads. 

Anyway, what I'm getting at is definitely along the lines of "The Devil can read scripture to his purpose" and it would look like meatheads telling each other God wants Donald Trump, whoremonger, rapist, casino-owner, mobbed-up and traitorous, to be one of their temporal princes on this planet. 

If I simply don't believe in the god of the Bible, I really can't tell you what it would take to make me fathom one who thought this stale pumpkin-headed con-artist was able to talk about our destiny and call it good. Trump in his execrableness gaining any power is enough to call into doubt a benevolent creator. But calling on God to rectify the thing where TFG isn't our president and claiming someone betrayed God's will is bollocks. Tell me how God's will gets subverted if he is in fact God. Tell me how an immoral and mobbed-up traitorous imbecile is what God wants for us. 

If I have faith in anything, I believe even this benighted and all too occasionally dumb-ass country deserves better than a civil war some rich motherfuckers want to goad us into. Sorry, someone will have to pay for Charlie Kirk to get any damn college education at all before I give his grifty ass a minute. And I want to know how this tour is happening since the death of his previous benefactor from COVID-19. Who is TPUSA's new sugardaddy?  I bet the name would be already known to all of us, but I still want to know. 


bowtiejack said...

There are over 4,000 religions.
Only yours is the one true one.

There’s a Southern Baptist Convention
(2nd largest denomination after Catholics)
because in 1845 they split from the northern
Baptists over the issue of slavery.

To be fair, they later rejected slavery - actually
150 years later in 1995 - some time after
the Civil War, the 14th Amendment and
the Civil Rights Acts of 1964 and 1968.
By that time it was clearly God’s will.

There are more guns than people in the US.
75% of Americans, however,
do not own EVEN one gun.
Of the 25% who do own guns,

Anonymous said...

Classic first cause the crisis then blame the other side.
Thse whack jobs doing everything they can to make the earth uninhabitable for humanity then blame the gays, the liberals, the women whoever opposed their greed and stupidity, for bringing on "gods" judgement of a ruined earth.
the hypocrisy, cognitive dissonance and projection is mind boggleing.
Surprised people this intellectually and moraly cripple can even function enough to get a cup of coffee without pouring it in their own laps much less function in society.

It's Especially NOT Funny Because It's True — Secular Talk ( (@KyleKulinski) March 17, 2025 MAGA doesn't care about this....