Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Gaetzgate it is, then

I want to preface this with two quick, semi-funny things that happened lately, which are, in quick order: Matt Gaetz Tweeted in response to Elon Musk's play on words that his scandal would be called "Elongate" with the suggestion that his own scandal should be called "gaetzgate" and the rumor that Gaetz wouldn't be running for congress again, but might take a role at Newsmax

That's what the literature folks call "foreshadowing", I guess, because Rep. Gaetz is apparently part of an investigation into something to do with sex trafficking--it's murky, and Gaetz helped the picture in its murkiness by going on Tucker Carlson and performing a quick study in how not to do professional reputation rehab on the fly. 

Actually, all Gaetz's responses to the story are weird as hell, but just to break it down, we have on one hand a story about one sexual relationship with one 17 year old that seems to have possibly emerged as a part of a story about another Florida politician engaged in sex trafficking. 

On the other hand, what Gaetz's statements seem to have done is implicate himself into a scandal involving not one underage girl, but possibly more than one, an attempt to paint himself and his family as victims of an extortion plot that involves some kind of sting operation with an old-fashioned "wire" (I don't think anyone duct tapes solid state gear to their chest hair anymore, but I could be wrong as I am a cavegirl) and sort of tried to enmesh his friendly on-air media rehab counselor, Tucker Carlson, in his shit by saying stuff like, "We've had dinner together, you, me, your wife and one of my victims..." (like, not verbatim, but that's how f'd up it sounded) and like, "bitches, right?" (also not verbatim, but he implied Tucker Carlson was also accused of creepy sex stuff, and since Carlson knew exactly what he was talking about, well. then).

Oh, and he implied there were possibly pictures of him with underage prostitutes which was not at all a thing alleged yet, so I guess, way to get out in front of that one!

So, I guess we need to confront that Gaetz might not be the sharpest tool in the shed and also has troubling judgment. Like, very troubling judgment. As in, I don't even get what his deal is, but it's definitely some kind of deal, there, and I'm not even usually one to judge. And he's good friends with Jim Jordan, and if I haven't said it yet enough, that guy's a coward and a creep

Now, this might not be going anywhere, but let's keep in mind, it started under the Trump Administration and was opened by Bill Barr, so there had to have been a real story, there, not some political beef. Although who knows if the Trump Administration wasn't low enough to leverage support by making members of congress vulnerable that way--even presumably tame and even well and truly owned-seeming ones. And maybe that explains a lot of how Trump got his support from some of his most rabid followers anyhow: leveraging the compromised, or at least, providing them an umbrella. He after all was never particular about who he did business with. Even to an extent that should have long ago scandalized his Qultists

So, I guess we're having Gaetzgate, now. 

1 comment:

Richard said...

Just look at that thing. I don't know how others do, but in my life i am always paying attention and this guy is a dangerous fool. He should know better. I'm sorry for his mom. Who knows, maybe she raised him to be the hateful little bitch that he is. Anyway, he is wasting our time.

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