Saturday, December 26, 2020

Wood's One Weird Election Trick!


Possibly Mad Genius Right Wing Attorney Lin Wood has One Weird Trick that is going to help Fight Back! against the scourge of election fraud in the upcoming Georgia runoff, and Gosh! It's so batshit IT JUST MIGHT WORK! All Republicans have to do is not vote for Perdue and Loeffler, and because the "algorithm" is rigged, the GOP votes will show as a negative, and we all know that's not possible. Then SCOTUS will have to make Trump President-for-Life, then the arrests, then other thumb-sucking wish-fulfillment will surely occur. 

What I like about this is it's just science, right? You have a theory: the machines are rigged, so you experiment. Now, no model is perfect, so personally, I think Wood may have to encourage Republican nonparticipation in any and all elections, not just the runoffs, until we actually do hit that negative number. 

Try, try again, and whatnot, right? If in the meantime it results in a lot of Democrats in office, oh well, eggs and omelets. (Mmmmm. Omelets.)

Anywhoo, because Lin Wood is mostly talking to Q fans, this might even sound reasonable, but I have to break the very bad news that now that he has mentioned Sekrit GOP Boycott Klub, the Powers That Be are just gonna change the algorithm to compensate for low Republican voter turnout. (Sad face.) That's why the big arrests never happen; because super patriot Q keeps telling people they're gonna happen. (Extra sad face). *

Check and mate, or something. 

* I have endeavored to know as little as possible about The Storm and all that rot because I am superstitious about meme contagion. You never know when so much as a splinter of The Crazy will break off and mess up your whole head even if you try to compartmentalize. What I do know is that a) "Where we go one we go all" sounds like a translation of a lemming family motto from bastard Latin and b) if someone was cryptically typing out secret messages on social media where everyone could see, they wouldn't be secret anymore, right? This is why Q is actually a traitor for telling, and can't be Trump. Or can it?

(Yes, Virginia, this is satire, except the Lin Wood bit, which is real and could be a grift or maybe Bubba really is that crazy, I don't know. I only wish I ever endeavored to learn as little as possible about anything.)

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