Thursday, December 31, 2020

Bold Strategy....Hawley?


Of all the crunchy frosted fascist fucknuts that I thought might leap to arguing Trump's side in the Senate, you know, there was "life support system for an adam's apple" Tom Cotton, newcomer Coach Taterhead, and everyone's favorite Speedbag Face Ted Cruz, but okay, player. Let the senator from Missouri with the Virginia home address talk about all the gee golly gosh voter fraud out there. He claims he isn't running for president (he has claimed he wasn't a "ladder climber" before) but I have my doubts--this looks like a way to get his profile raised with the Trump base. It's just....

You know, the problem with a move like this isn't "Hah, this will fail but in the meanwhile, you score points." The problem is, "Will it fail--enough?" Because encouraging the myth of the "Once and Future God Emperor Trump" (Jeez Louise, yes, this is a thing the cultists represent in their "art") is all very well and good, but what if they stay wanting the original article in 2024 and you, smart guy, kept feeding them? If you go along for the ride most of the way and then try to get your own campaign going why! It looks like, a, WELL! stab in the back, right?

Cynical and hackish as anyone might be tempted to be about this, is our man Josh being cynical enough? I mean the size of his hackishness is apparent from space. But threatening democracy to appeal to the voters is....something else, entirely.


bt1138 said...

The problem they all have is the same problem they've had for the last 4 years.

They want those deplorable voters that Trump controls. But I don't think Trump is going to let anyone have his voters, whether he runs again or not. (I think he won't)

Trump will look at those voters as his property. He's a greedy man and he'll keep them for himself. At some point, he will try to pass them on to his children and they will squander them.

Vixen Strangely said...

You've got it--Trump's hinting about running in 2024 himself, but he's got plans for Don Jr and Ivanka. Yet those two are not very charismatic (or even likeable) people.

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