Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Someone's Cranky Today

So, I really only have one question about Trump's Tweets, and I guess this might just be a little thing but here's the two-tweet deal:
Weak and tired Republican “leadership” will allow the bad Defense Bill to pass. Say goodbye to VITAL Section 230 termination, your National Monuments, Forts (names!) and Treasures (inserted by Elizabeth “Pocahontas” Warren), 5G, and our great soldiers........being removed and brought home from foreign lands who do NOTHING for us. A disgraceful act of cowardice and total submission by weak people to Big Tech. Negotiate a better Bill, or get better leaders, NOW! Senate should not approve NDAA until fixed!!!
He is still wrong about what Section 230 is about (and I begin to suspect that he isn't so much trying to prevent conservatives from being "censored" as possibly wanting 230 gone so that Big Tech, as he calls it, can be leaned on to boot liberals from platforms by way of lawsuits like Steven Biss's speciality, digital cattle abuse) and I don't quite get what 5G has to do with his rant, but the names of the Forts and Treasures thing--

He really seems to be implying that if the names change, the bases themselves will somehow not exist. You know, the weird, illogical way that Confederate monument people claim that taking down statues will somehow "erase history", but with military bases. Changing the names of bases doesn't...do that, or prevent soldiers from being returned home or? He isn't really sitting around thinking "Well if the base isn't Fort Bragg anymore, than nobody can come back to Fort Bragg!"

I guess what I'm getting at is, does he lack a sense of object permanence, and isn't that a real problem? Because he gets treated like a toddler, but that shouldn't mean he's actually confused by a game of peekaboo, right? Because Lord, this guy is annoyingly dumb but there's dumb and then there is, like, impaired.

And this is the guy his cult wants to end democracy for?


bt1138 said...

You fool, the reference to 5g is Trump's first comment on the Nashville bombing!

Why do I need to point such an obvious thing out.

tony in san diego said...

Object permanence! That's the ticket! His major line is: I don't know him, I never met him, I don;t know anything about it! That is his only answer when he get in trouble. (and it is Bart Simpson's go-to repsonse to anything!)

Richard said...

He takes no responsibility. He didn't do it. It is the fault of communist China and the dems.

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