Saturday, November 23, 2019

Adult Playground?

Look, you guys, it's been a hard couple of weeks for all of us political watchers, and you know what? When I hear that Trump is treating GOP lawmakers to an "adult playground" at Camp David, I'm not thinking s'mores and skeet-shooting. I'm thinking something a little more like:

(The graphic is a Strangely Blogged Throwback cut. You're welcome.) 

Anyway, I think I already pointed out that this is not a good look for the GOP, whether for the House members who think it's just great to basically serve as the president's defense/PR team, or for potential US Senate jurors who want to "play" instead of taking their responsibility to the Constitution seriously, or who even just settle for re-election cash

So while part of me is wondering to what extent Camp David might be looking like Hef's grotto or whatever, I think it's very plain what the whole thing looks like in general--influence. And it isn't great, actually.

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