Friday, October 25, 2019

Her Power?

So, this isn't the type of thing I would thrash out a post about (but I'm trying to avoid another TrumpWorld Grab-Bag and the discussion of how respectable vandals take the handle of politics and create payback opportunities as things turn to fascist diarrhea in a quick flurry--but that post has to come, doesn't it?) but I want to talk about Kellyanne Conway, because she's been caught (or is it "caught"?) being "that woman" out loud where people can hear a few times now. 

One time was when she tried to call something "off the record" in an interview after the fact, while trying to drop a criticism of her spouse's Tweets regarding her boss, Donald Trump, the president, as "disrespectful", in a way that indicated that she did experience tension in her employment from George Conway's regular characterization of Trump as unfit and unwell. This sounds like the most tortured game of passive-aggressive "telephone" to send a message to someone imaginable. 

But that's just, like, my opinion. It does take on a different flavor when you hear Kellyanne ream out a reporter for discussing her marriage in just the same kind of terms, though.  At one point, Kellyanne wanted to vent publicly (if anonymously) that her husband's Tweets were disrespectful. In a later exchange with a journalist, she prefers that not be brought up at all.  Rather vehemently, and with all the "I will speak to your manager" trimmings. 

The diatribe sounds a bit Trumpian , and as I've noted, in an autocracy, people take on the voice of their leader.  (Stephanie Grisham Tweeting about Sarah Huckabee Sanders was fortuitous, and we can now see Grisham herself doubling down on whether calling Trump's opponents "scum" is acceptable, for the benefit of an audience who rankled at any percent of their cohort being called "deplorable". This would make me, and probably George Conway, both "scum.") She alleges the reporter leans on the men (like her editor) in her life while Kellyanne is a trailblazer because of what she's done for....a male politician. (Um?)  And then she threatens the reporter with the possibility of having her own personal life exposed. 

Like, what?  Everyone knows about George Conway's Tweets--they are not a hidden sacred mystery hiding in a cave somewhere. Even Trump has to be aware of the thing. Being Trump's keeper is a form of power? Defending him grants her anything at all but a paycheck? This diatribe wasn't about power. It was fear. Fear Trump would read the caveat of her familial argument as a weakness in considering her for a higher position. She seethed because it might be a thing that showed up on Trump's grudgy radar. 

The power she has is a power-trip over the reporter, but it really sounds like a lack of control.

EDITED: Man, I just rambled at the end and hated it so I cut out the last few paragraphs and got to the nut of the thing.

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