Wednesday, September 18, 2019

What Lewandowski Said

I know that a lot of Democrats (or at least on Twitter) and a handful of Never-Trumpers were hoping that House Dems would just have Trump's former campaign manager Corey Lewandowski hauled off for contempt for being non-responsive and belligerent, but I think that would have been counter-productive and theatrical.

I'm not saying that the hearing was a great raving success and riveting viewing. That Lewandowski was directed by the president to say nothing due to "executive privilege" when the man did not work in the White House, and that Lewandowski responded to Democrat inquiries rather like a low-level soldier protecting his capo, says rather enough to me. It's more covering-up and obstruction, and it was draaaaggged out and he admitted to not being truthful and was caught in a few lies.

Lewandowski was performing in part for Trump's benefit as well as to launch a senate campaign. Being snatched for contempt would have given Trump something to endlessly grouse about (there is nothing a chronic belly-acher loves more than something to belly-ache over--the Twitter claims of "Unfair! and WITCH HUNT!" would have been quite something) and the GOP would have adored him the more for it. They love their martyrs. Why, just that morning, there were a few threads on Twitter about Robert Bork.  How terrible that he was rejected (after a thorough hearing, in a bipartisan way, for extreme views on the Constitution).

It's appropriate that the GOP is represented by an elephant; they never forget anything, even if they remember things in ways that suit their grievances.

Admitting that he did not feel it important to be truthful to the media will not stop the media from asking him on their tv shows and having him lie to their viewers. I think House Dems held him to account, in their way. It might have been better if the questions on the Democratic side were left to professional questioners. But it will have to suffice.

For people paying attention, we learned a bit from what Lewandowski refused to say, as much as from what he did--such as refusing to say whether Trump offered him a pardon. Were the answer "no", he wouldn't have had a problem answering that way, would he?

I can understand why he was instructed to claim "executive privilege". This soldier was working for his capo. Yesterday, he was working for Trump, and it showed.


Grung_e_Gene said...

Lewandowski performed a one-man clown show for Trump but in so doing he forever endeared himself to conservatives who exist only for #OwntheLibs. No one should ever allow Lewandowski in polite company for his "Womp, Womp" insult.

Formerly Amherst said...

Vixen, Pelosi tried to warn them. She is frustrated and has every reason to be, because the Democratic Congress is trying to lose the 2020 election.

The American public is gullible, but the vast majority are not brain-dead. This is all blatant political theater, and the vast majority of Americans know it. Consequently, very few take it seriously.

The accumulation of missteps through fabrications that then have been proved to be false has taken its toll.

They should have listened to Pelosi.

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