Tuesday, December 27, 2022

The Darkest Timeline 2022 Roundup


As with last year, I feel like providing a year in review for the blog, but this year, I noticed a certain trend and I did not like it one bit! But it is my blog, and sometimes you can't ignore the things you see--actually, you just shouldn't. 

January:  IOKIYAR, or the Republican Permission Structure.  There is a goal behind Republican rhetorical devices, and they are loaded.

February: AFPAC and CPAC are Like Peas and Carrots.  GOP-ers and Groypers are practically peas in a pod. 

March: The Country is Held Hostage by the Fifth Dentist. How did one side of our politics become so conspiracy-theory-ridden?

April: "Free Florida" and "Don't Say Gay". The GOP wants old school bigotry to have a comeback and I sure the hell don't. 

May: Jesus, Guns, Babies, American Exceptionalism.  Wow. boiled it all down to the maple syrup of the thing. 

June: Jesus , Guns, Babies, SCOTUS:  As the Bible had written, so conservative justices would likely try to have it done. 

July: Who is Paying for Dinner?  Just some reasonable thoughts about SCOTUS and ethics. 

August: But They Keep Admitting It, Though.  Supposedly mainstream conservatism has gone out of its way to support domestic terrorism. I do not think this is sarcasm. 

September: TWGB: Everything Looks Worse in Black and White.  Trumpism is fascism. It is. It looks bad because it is bad. 

October: Genocide as Peer Pressure.  Eliminationism is like a gruesome bandwagon. There are ugly people trying to normalize mass death of "suspect" populations. This is fascism. 

November: They *Do* Want us Dead.  More on the eliminationism.

December: TWGB: They Aren't Joking.  They say civil war and worse like they mean it, and I think they do. 

I don't like this timeline. But these are the posts I've got. 

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