Sunday, March 23, 2025

Every Picture Tells A Story


I am trying not to see Steve Witkoff's interview with Tucker Carlson in the worst possible way and there is not actually a not-bad way to view it. First of all, Tucker Carlson? Second if all--we are just going to pass on with a straight face that the former KGB agent prayed after the Butler incident as if that is not serious applications of narcissist lube?

And of course we are, because Witkoff is another fucking significance-junky looking to get high off ego strokes. This is a personality the Kremlin is totally aware of. But what sends me is the idea of a portrait.

Trump's "charity" slush funds was all about Trump portraits.  All Trump ever wanted to know about himself was that he oughta be in pictures. (Can someone help me with a thing where I wonder why Trump sees himself as Norma Desmond, Grizabella and Evita?) He's a just a diva. And Witlesskopf is playing very stupid and credulous, too.

And it doesn't appear to be an act. 

Not for the first time, I find myself wondering if anybody knows how to play this game? Look, stupid rich fuckboys, I THOUGHT, at least were sent out in the world with some idea that the world was going to try to blow smoke up their skirts and to be careful of being rolled. Ane here these putzes sit, heaven's own bocce balls. Innocent as little fawns in a sunlight-gilded bower in the eye of a sniper rifle. 

Who amongst us is this dumb? And wants to negotiate for Ukrainian lives and doesn't know all the annexed areas' names, even? 

We have a problem here. I was saying these guys don't have a strategy--they don't have much of anything but a desire to have something happen and take credit for it and call it a success whatever it is. The worst of all possible pathologies. 

The affront to people of conscience this is. It's a lot. 

UPDATE:  He goes on even more foolishly, this morning:

Could we get anyone who actually pays attention to Russian matters at all on this job, please? 


Ali Redford said...

I hope the portrait has the Dorian Gray attributes. Although I don't want to see it if it does!

Vixen Strangely said...

Wouldn't be surprised if a portrait of Trump's inner workings would owe more to HP Lovecraft than Oscar Wilde.

KingBolete said...

Little known fact: Putin actually commissioned two paintings, the one delivered to the First Felon and the other to Putin's dacha. The former was painted on canvas while the latter is on cork.

Why Yes, It Does Look Like a Lot of Crimes

  Now that we have the messages, please go compare what it's in it to the CENTCOM classification guide provisions below. This all very ...