Thursday, January 23, 2025

Trump Pardons Domestic Terrorists


Trump and his confederates (word choice definitely intentional) like to play off what happened in 1/6 as, variously, a love-in, a prayer circle, a tourist group, but many of these people were violent, were previous offenders and some have already started being violent-minded assholes again. Take Stewart Roades of the Oath Keepers, seditious conspirator, whose sentence was actually only commuted because he really is an admitted piece of work. He was just seen at the Capitol Complex with some GOP Reps, because I guess they are some kinds of piece of work, too.

He's got family who are nervous about him being out and about, and he's not the only one.

Trump didn't bother with going case by case or identifying the violent offenders and excluding them. He didn't care about public safety or think about the law enforcement officers who were harmed in the melee of 1/6, or what these people might do next:

I get that firearms and poor decision-making are as American as Mom and apple pie, but this is tempting fate, no?

He cared about their demonstrated loyalty and it is pretty easy to see that loyalty and violence on his behalf are being rewarded. He can call himself a "law and order" president, but obviously--no. He also pardoned the founder of the Silk Road, a drug trafficker, solely because he told the Libertarians he would.

Look at Mr. "Tough on Drugs", over here.

What does this serve? Not justice. It's self-serving. And we can just keep expecting more of the same. 

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