Saturday, January 18, 2025

George Carlin - It's A BIG Club & You Ain't In It!

You know, before Trump introduced a meme coin in the middle of the night that was rolled out with no fanfare and is like 80% held by "insiders" (that means everyone else is a hind tit investor and are entirely not getting maximum value from this shiny thing in the event of a big old cash out event), there was a well-attended crypto gala, and Trump and his people gave all the signs of really digging what the crypto bros have been laying down. Yeah. Strategic reserve Sure. Brave new currencies. 

But on the whole, Trump did what he does--it's a potential scam? Fine.  He and his will eat. 

If you are sweating in the bit mines looking for legitimacy for your popup non-accepted currency of the week, he just pantsed you. It looks to me like a short-term con vehicle for raising funds in a hurry, not to be mistaken for his crypto long con. But what does this have to do with George Carlin?

Trump loves the uneducated. Trump was thinking of ending the Department of Education. He has other plans and I know they aren't good. He is thinking about your Social Security and so on. His little billionaire Facebook friend said out loud and in public he didn't know what the CFBP is. There a reason some tech bro can't Google that shit?  It's hard looking at people using your service as customers with rights when they are products for your vendors? His class of people don't want you able to put that kind of two and two together. When Melon Husk tries to turn his social media app into a banking situation, he doesn't want any brakes on that fail. 

I decided to try and learn something about Bitcoin since SubGeniuses like Senator Lummis are interested in the US having a strategic Bitcoin reserve.  We have a pretty good reserve currency called "the US Dollar". Anyway, there can only ever be so many bitcoins, which are broken down into Satoshi's, and once we reach the maximum the holders just lease out bitcoin for fees which are paid in what currency to who? 

And we're back to just banks and interest and the rich getting richer. There is the club Trump is in. and you are not, and his MAGA friends are not. The people he didn't care about getting COVID at his 2020 rallies, like Herman Cain. The people who rely on a pension and need to retire because they are fucked if they can work anymore, and welp--his class of people don't care about that. People with disabled kids who can't find a school other than public school. People who benefited from the ACA and the prescription drug negotiations someone who actually cares (the Biden Administration) made. 

Trump doesn't care--you aren't in his club. And if you were, he'd have someone drag you out. And that goes for Musk and Gates and Bezos--whatever they might like to think about themselves. 

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Ashes, Ashes

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