Monday, December 23, 2024

The Gaetz Report


We heard that the ethics investigation into Matt Gaetz would show illegal drug use (cocaine, molly), paying for (lots of) sex, including with a minor, and well, yeah. He did that stuff.  He left a pretty considerable trail of payments to women--$90K to various women. It's fairly unsavory:

The report noted that while all the women who testified said the sexual encounters with Gaetz were consensual, one woman told the committee the use of drugs at the parties and events they attended may have "impair[ed their] ability to really know what was going on or fully consent."

Another woman told the committee, "When I look back on certain moments, I feel violated."

For his part, Gaetz had tried (unsuccessfully) to sue to block the report from coming out.  This is because he knew it would look bad--full stop. He's not unaware of his conduct, he's just unclear on why it should have anything to do with how people judge him.

You really do hate to see a person go so wrong from the unfortunate effects of a very comfortable and privileged upbringing. 

In his defense, he and his defenders have offered the half-hearted benefit of a vanishing invisible ink doubt and a more deeply-considered: Well, what about what other people have done, huh? Gaets and others have suggested flipping other people;s dirty laundry out on the street, and as for myself well--I applaud them while occasionally checking my watch.

Is it the hollowness of the threats? The likelihood of defamation charges? 

But here's a consideration lost to many in this crude day and age--who the fuck cares what other people do? A person's character is about what they do, despite what anyone else is up to. It's a moral concept a mere child could understand.  There's a lot of that "whataboutism" going on. When it comes up, the obvious answer should be "Don't change the subject!"

Which doesn't stop MAGAs from engaging in exactly this. "What about Hunter Biden? He was ass deep in hookers and drugs!"

Well, what about it? The key thing is--no one was trying to make him the US Attorney General. 

But Trump, whose moral awareness is similar to that of Gaerz, just badly aged, did want Gaetz for that role, knowing exactly what he is.  Wanted him in that role not in spite of, but likely because of, his moral weakness. Because he has handles that he can be controlled by. 

Matt Gaetz really isn't the only person the ethic report is "telling on."

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