Wednesday, May 8, 2024

TWGB: Fresh New Contempt


Disclaimer: I am not a lawyer, but in a situation where re-posts count as violations of the gag order, yes, it seems very likely to me that Trump's paid spokesperson trashing one of the witnesses would also count: he is just trying to use other people's mouths to say what his can't.  

It's clear that Stormy Daniels' testimony made Trump very uncomfortable, and looking again at her story, I see why: it isn't really a story about a fully consensual fling. Although there is some playfulness (the rolled magazine part), the invitation to dinner to have...not-dinner and the discussion of a possible Celebrity Apprentice spot that now looks more like there were sexual strings attached, it seems clear she felt obligated or manipulated into sex. I don't think that it makes him look MORE of a creep to me but solidifies the type of creep he is. 

But at the same time, "family values" choir boy Speak Mike Johnson was saying this:


More Republican contempt for the law. I've noticed this formulation "has done nothing wrong" seems to be a a way these MAGA mental contortionists twist reality--maybe Trump technically broke laws, but he "can't do wring." He can only be wronged by people who want to focus on that pesky old "law" part. This is contempt for the rule of law, for the idea that no man is above the law. It may be no more than Johnson equating a threat to Trump as a threat to his political party; but that kind of abuse of power and flouting of the legal process IS a true threat to a nation made of laws not men.

There is reason our official make an oath to protect the Constitution--and this sure isn't about it.

But there's that other contempt steaming hot and right in our faces--Trump is a serial adulterer, Trump didn't use a condom in this episode, Trump is a sleazebag--but per Christian extremists, women who want to use contraception, make choices over their reproductive health, or leave bad marriages should be stopped, are immoral, etc.--

Their mental cosmology is clear, and disturbing. And absolute hell for women.

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Ashes, Ashes

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